European elections, PD convention in Torre del Greco: huge crowd to launch Topo in Europe

European elections, PD convention in Torre del Greco: huge crowd to launch Topo in Europe
European elections, PD convention in Torre del Greco: huge crowd to launch Topo in Europe

European elections, PD convention in Torre del Greco: huge crowd to launch Topo in Europe

Greek’s tower. It was a real crowd that welcomed the Democratic Party’s European candidate Lello Topo. A show of strength that came exactly one week before the vote that will allow the Strasbourg Parliament to be changed. Parliament in which, it is no mystery, Topo also dreams of being the candidate of the majority of the regional Democrat group.

“We expect an important response from Torre del Greco in this electoral campaign” began the leader of the PD group at the headquarters Mario Casillo. In the front row are the party leaders at Palazzo Baronale: the deputy mayor Michele Polese and the group leader Vittorio Guarino. Olimpia Viscovo is also in the room.

At the table were the city secretary Salvatore Romano and the mayor Luigi Mennella, who returned to talk about the dispute with the candidate for mayor of Florence Schmidt: “Whoever does not know Torre del Greco does not have the right to mention it emptyly”. The provincial secretary Giuseppe Annunziata is on the same page: “Florence dreams of the sea of ​​Torre del Greco”.

The coup de theater is made by Loredana Raia, who coordinated the work, who had the mayor of Florence Dario Nardella intervene by telephone. Local administrators had to listen to him, starting with the mayors Carmine Losapio (Pompei), Giorgio Zinno (San Giorgio a Cremano) and Antonio Russo (San Gennaro Vesuviano).

Before the final speech, Loredana Raia’s heartfelt appeal: “We must avoid abstentionism, which risks rewarding the right and causing the loss of those rights for which we have fought and fight every day.”

Closing the proceedings was former regional councilor and deputy and aspiring European parliamentarian Lello Topo: “We need to convince the skeptics, our worst enemy is non-voting. We saw the importance of a united Europe with Covid. A cohesive Europe is important to respond to the war. The election of 8 and 9 June is then important to give a response to this year and a half of government which is working for a law that wants to give strength to a part of the country. And this just to get a handful more votes for one political party. We cannot accept the division of Italy and the vote, pencils are the most important weapons.”

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