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European elections, Ballone will end his electoral campaign in Teramo –

European elections, Ballone will end his electoral campaign in Teramo –
European elections, Ballone will end his electoral campaign in Teramo –

TERAMO – It could not fail to be her city, Teramo, the place of the closing of the electoral campaign of Antonella Ballone, candidate for the European Elections on the Forza Italia list for the Southern College.

On Wednesday 5 June at 7.00 pm in Piazza Orsini (MANARI café side), in fact Antonella Ballone will ideally close the exciting electoral journey which has seen her, in recent months, meet and listen to thousands of citizens in the six regions of that South which can and it must increasingly become a resource for Europe. It will be a meeting with the whole city and the territory, called to be part of this challenge which, for the first time, will be able to bring one of us, a Teramo native, to Brussels.

«It is precisely for this reason that I decided to run: to bring my Teramo, my province and my region to the attention of Europe, but gaining the attention that is reserved for the protagonists – explains the candidate -. Too often, this city, this province and this region have paid the price of the distance from Europe, of that distance made up of lack of direct representation, of marginality with respect to decision-making mechanisms. It’s time for a change. It’s time to go to Europe as protagonists. For the first time, the voice of one of us can be the bearer of all our voices. It’s our moment: Abruzzo must win together».

Accompanying Antonella Ballone will be the President of the Regional Council Lorenzo Sospiri and the Honorable Nazario Pagano, regional coordinator of Forza Italia – in Teramo. Press office

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