«Find two people buried alive»

On paper it is a “Home Work” but little has changed since the closure of the Aversa criminal asylum, which was renamed Psychiatric hospital of Aversa, now called Opg, but essentially one of the five Italian work centers (previously there were nine) established in 1932 where there are still inmates interned with mental problems.

Yesterday, the Norman building was the scene of the visit of Campania guarantor of prisoners, Samuele Ciambriello, who went to the site to meet inmates and inmates of the Casa Lavoro. “I found two people buried alive”, declared Ciambriello at the end of the visit, raising the delicate issue of the mental pathologies affecting prisoners who should be allocated to a Rems or alternative structures.

«We continue to discuss whether it is appropriate to open new ones Rems or more alternative structures and in the meantime – explained the Guarantor – other prisoners with the same pathologies continue to be in prison. Whose fault is it or the omissions of these people buried alive in Campania prisons? I’m really tired of superficial and ideological answers. I listened to the I cry for help of internees who feel the slowness of judicial procedures weighing on their lives”.

And he adds: «Detainees and internees are asking for more certain and quicker times. We need a supervisory magistrate only for internees.” In the facility, there are 65 inmates compared to a regulatory capacity of 43 seats while in the Aversa prison, as of yesterday, there were also inmates present 187 prisoners. The Guarantor met two internees who have been the recipients of a provision for months prison incompatibility by the supervisory magistrate.

The Rems of San Nicola Baronia was the first definitive Rems in Campania and began its activities in December 2015. With its opening, the judicial psychiatric hospital of Aversa was closed. The city of Aversa hosted the first “judicial asylum” to arise in Italy, in what was the ancient convent structure of San Francesco da Paola. In 1876, in fact, the general director of the Institutes of Prevention and Punishment, Martino Beltrani Scalia, with a simple administrative act, inaugurated the Section for “maniacs”.

In 1907, the direction of the Aversa mental hospital passed to the alienist Filippo Saporito, while the initial nucleus of the institute expanded, incorporating some surrounding buildings, becoming, in 1975, a judicial psychiatric hospital. Since 2012, the year in which the law established the elimination of these structures, it has been progressively decommissioned and since August 2016 officially reconverted in a prison house. The building had the retraining of two toilet rooms in department 3, with the integration of showers in the room.

Meanwhile, again yesterday, i Campania prison unions (Sinappe, Uil Pa Pp, Uspp, Fns-Cisl and CNpp) and the staff, demonstrated at Naples to denounce the mismanagement of the prison system by the leaders of the Dap.

A protest against the continuous attacks on staffthe abandonment of the policemen and the precariousness of trade union relations. They ask for more resources human and economic, major safety in prisons and a reduction of overcrowdingwhich has reached unsustainable levels.


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