Bologna, with the flag of Palestine also the flag of peace. Mayor Lepore: «But we don’t kneel»

The mayor of Bologna, Matteo Lepore, does not back down in the face of controversy. The Palestinian flag will remain hanging on the facade of Palazzo d’Accursio. But next to this one he exposed that of peace, «because it is very important – he said in the city council – that our city works for dialogue in a stronger and more decisive way».

The political controversy over the display of the Palestinian flag

Responding to questions presented by the opposition and from the Civic Coalition on the issue that has divided politics and civil society in recent days, Lepore reiterated: «We are for non-violence and if we stand alongside the Palestinian people, we want to do it in a non-violent and peaceful way, rejecting any attempt of exploitation, first of all because we think that the Palestinian people is a hostage of terrorists and extremism, starting with Hamas, and is not free to decide his own future.”

Lepore: «Those who accuse us of supporting terrorists are violent»

So the mayor forcefully rejected the accusation of anti-Semitism. «I want to deny the interpretation according to which displaying the flag of the Palestinian people represents today support for terrorists and an anti-Semitic gesture. AND a false and violent accusation». And the mayor also defended himself from the accusation, made against him by the Jewish community itself, of not having taken an equally strong position last 7 October. «As an administration and as a council we have strongly condemned the Hamas terrorist attack of October 7, we called for the release of the Israeli hostages. We did this by presenting ourselves immediately afterwards, together with the Jewish community, at Shoah memorial that we helped create. We did it on all official and unofficial occasions.”

International tensions affect the Municipality of Bologna

But Lepore has no doubts: «If we really want to support the existence of two peoples and we want there to be recognition of two States, it is important thatand the Israeli government stops and reopen the front of dialogue. I dream of being able to display the Israeli flag next to the Palestinian one soon, I will do so when international law is fully restored.” And to those who attack him, he reminds: «Also about Ukraine we took part and no one was outraged from the opposition benches or even from the government. Indeed, when I asked that a Russian propaganda film not be shown in a neighborhood house, I received praise from ambassadors, government representatives and many parties.”

The evidence of thaw with the Jewish community

In the city council then, after the frost of the last few days, Lepore once again extended his hand to the Jewish community and its representative in Bologna, Daniele De Paz. «Let’s start again from dialogue, from mutual recognition of the tragedies suffered and from solidarity – said the mayor -. I want the Jewish community to know how much we are at their side and our display of the flag represents a break in that silence which does not benefit the cause of peace and human rights. Let’s use this glimpse together, let’s continue in the relationships we have never interrupted. Before displaying the flag I invited De Paz to my office, towards whom I have deep esteem and respect, and I explained my reasons to him.”

«We do not kneel in front of a massacre»

And soon, Lepore announces, I will also contact the president of the Union of Italian Jewish Communities Noemi Di Segni. «We will dialogue with everyone – she promises – but asking us to stay silent means asking us to accept a massacre. We don’t look the other way and we don’t kneel towards anyone.”

Accusations against the mayor come from both fronts

On the words of Lepore the Jewish Community stays cold: «They don’t satisfy us – says De Paz -. The mayor does not replace the flag of Palestine with that of peace, but puts up a banner next to another. There is always a part missing. It seems that the consequences that this action can have in terms of life are completely overlooked safety of people. Now enough with politics, think about the city.” And even the young Palestinians freeze Lepore: «she IS one electoral move late, the flag is not enough, rather join the boycott, divestment and sanctions campaign against Israel.”

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