all the details for tomorrow Tuesday 28 May


Weather forecast in Pescara for Tuesday 28 May

Tuesday 28 May in Pescara variable weather conditions are expected with overcast skies in the morning and scattered clouds in the afternoon. Precipitation, mainly light rain, is expected during the day, which could affect various time slots.

In the first part of the day, precisely in the morning, the cloud cover will be high, with the probability of light rain and temperatures that will hover around +18°C. Wind speed will be moderate, coming from variable directions.

In the afternoon, the clouds will thin out slightly, leaving room for clear spells, but with the possibility of scattered light rain. Temperatures will remain around +22°Cwith a slight decrease in cloud cover.

In the evening, the sky will become overcast again, with light rain that may intensify slightly. Temperatures will be around +19°Cwith humidity reaching the 78%.

Considering the weather forecast for the next few days in Pescara, an improvement in atmospheric conditions is expected with a gradual increase in temperatures and a decrease in precipitation. However, it is advisable to pay attention to any changes in the weather and stay updated on the weather forecast.

All the weather data for Tuesday 28 May in Pescara

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