24 kilos of drugs hidden in an abandoned car in Novara

24 kilos of drugs hidden in an abandoned car in Novara
24 kilos of drugs hidden in an abandoned car in Novara

The State Police of Novara arrested a 41-year-old Albanian citizen resident in Novara, with a police record, in flagrante delicto for possession for the purpose of dealing hashish and marijuana. The incident occurred on May 22nd.

The man, already known to the police, was searched as was his home. Following the operation they were found 500 grams of hashish divided into 5 blocks of 100 grams each, packaging material and a precision scale. Further more in-depth investigations carried out near the home of the Albanian citizen made it possible to identify a car in a completely abandoned state, registered in the name of the Albanian citizen, which was hiding approximately 23 kilos and 500 grams of narcotic substance such as hashish and marijuana, hidden in two separate trolleys.

The drug found, analyzed at the local Provincial Scientific Police Office, was found to be hashish for a total gross weight of approximately 11 kilos and 362 grams and marijuana for a total gross weight of approximately 12 kilos and 894 grams for a total of over 24 kilos of narcotic substances. At the end of the ritual acts the person was associated with the local prison at the disposal of the Judicial Authority.

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