Puglia region, “amnesty” appears to save healthcare managers who have exceeded their pharmaceutical spending

Puglia region, “amnesty” appears to save healthcare managers who have exceeded their pharmaceutical spending
Puglia region, “amnesty” appears to save healthcare managers who have exceeded their pharmaceutical spending

The amnesty for non-compliant DGs on the containment of pharmaceutical spending passes to the Commission, in an attempt – useless – to keep them in their place, also canceling all the rules on monitoring. And the fact that the attempt is useless derives from the fact that, even if the proposal were to be approved by the Council, the forfeiture effects with respect to 2023 have already occurred and the rule, therefore, cannot have retroactive value”. This was communicated by the regional councilors of Azione Fabiano Amati, Sergio Clemente and Ruggiero Mennea.

“We have essentially observed a fury for amnesty, incapable of realizing that the ceilings on pharmaceutical spending which, we reiterate, do not affect the quality and quantity of assistance, were established by Emiliano and before that Blatant And Lopalco, with the signing of the technical regularity by dozens of managers. The bill approved in the Commission, therefore, is in contrast with the fight against waste carried out by the Regional Council, since it eliminates the sanction of the dismissal of the Directors General of the ASL in case of non-compliance. In other words, the council speaks and no one listens to it. Yet we had recently said that the government majority would start from legality and transparency, to the point of even appointing a councilor with this specific competence. And instead the good initial intent has crashed into the first curve, because it is more important to keep the DGs in the saddle, even if they are in default, rather than saving and directing resources towards greater healthcare services or more cutting-edge therapeutic remedies, such as the Car-Ts, to treat very serious diseases. But it doesn’t end here and we will fight in the chamber, to defend not so much the law on forfeiture but the resolutions on spending containment approved by the Regional Council and most recently the 848 of 2024″.

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