Morganella: «Palermo lacked a group in the Playoffs, you can’t buy that»

Morganella: «Palermo lacked a group in the Playoffs, you can’t buy that»
Morganella: «Palermo lacked a group in the Playoffs, you can’t buy that»

Former rosanero Michel Morganella gave an interview to the Palermo journalist Alessio Alaimo on TMW’s microphones.

From football to roofs for photovoltaic systems. “Wait, I have to clock in otherwise it’s a mess”. Thus begins the chat with Michel Morganella, former winger of Palermo and Novara.

His words ahead of Italy-Switzerland:

Morganella, what game are you expecting?
“They always ask me who I support because my father is Italian and my mother is Swiss. Well, I would be happy in either case. Switzerland has grown a lot lately, while I see Italy as a bit shy and dull. But in a one-off match, Italy is always Italy. It will be a difficult match for both.”

Di Marco or Di Lorenzo, who chooses between the two wingers? «I like them both but I prefer Di Marco because he dares, he pushes more».

I Switzerland’s strengths?
“In goal there is Sommer, who is an excellent goalkeeper. Then there is Xhaka who is an experienced player. It will be a game to play, I am rooting for both.”

her? Is there still room for football? «I work on roofs, in photovoltaics. I decided to put football aside, at least for now. I come from a working-class father, I feel good in this role. Of course, it’s definitely harder than going on the pitch. But when you finish playing then you return to reality».

Will he return to the world of football in the future?
“I’m working now. As soon as my wife finishes her training we’ll see”

What role do you see yourself in?
«I see myself as an agent. Maybe my children will take the same path in football as me and I will be able to help them. As a prosecutor you work for two or three months and broaden your knowledge.”

His former Palermo will try to reach Serie A this year. “I followed him in the playoffs. It’s a shame how it ended. He had a devastating period in a positive sense and then he gave up. I said that if they had been strong as a group they could have made it to the end. Then I watched the games and I said it’s a shame… because they still spent in the January market. But you don’t go up a division just by spending money. You have to create a group and you can’t buy that. When we went up to Serie A against Novara we were an incredible team off the pitch, a compact group.”

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