Selen Luce Caponegro after the Island of the Famous, from work to private life

Selen Luce Caponegro after the Island of the Famous, from work to private life
Selen Luce Caponegro after the Island of the Famous, from work to private life

Luce Caponegrobetter known by her stage name of Seleniumhas been away from the world of entertainment for years now, even though a few months ago he wanted to try to get back into the game by taking part in the latest edition of The Island of the Famous, only to be eliminated by the public during the third episode of the reality show. Having also archived that experience, the former adult actress wanted to talk about the reason for that brief return to TV.

Selen after the Island of the Famous

Interviewed by Corriere della SeraLuce Caponegro admitted that she returned to Italy from Honduras partly transformed: “I left convinced that it would be an important experience and it was, because I came out partly transformed, even if upon leaving immediately I wasn’t able to tell myself as I would have liked: my story with anecdotes and curiosities remained out of the spotlight. On the other hand, the production had also chosen me for this, there will be other opportunities”, said the 57-year-old Roman, who has lived in Ravenna for years.

The activity in Ravenna and the difficulties

It is precisely in the Romagna city that Selen, just over a decade ago, decided to get back into the game after saying goodbye to porn and open the wellness center Aesthetic Light and Wellbeing. If things went very well at first, in recent years there have been several difficulties: “Being an entrepreneur today in Italy means getting into debt, there’s no point in hiding it. After having done more than 40 specialization courses and having become a teacher at two schools, I hired employees with the aim of transmitting part of my knowledge. But it’s It’s increasingly difficult to find someone who wants to go beyond the basic level which is not enough to remain competitive.”

After the experience atIsland of the FamousLuce Caponegro questioned herself again and, after thinking about moving away from Italy, he decided to do it himself: “Thanks to the Island I questioned myself again, I even thought about closing everything, changing jobs and moving abroad, when I returned I went into crisis. Then I focused on who I am, on my history, and I I have decided to continue on my own, as a freelancer, personally following my clients.

Selen still looking for love

If the choice to become a freelancer has proved to be a winning one, on the sentimental front Selen has declared that she is ready to get back in the gameeven if love hasn’t arrived yet: “I’m still single but, compared to the past, I’m no longer afraid. The distrust towards men is always there, but the will is there and it’s already a first step. In the past I was hurt several times and deeply, my heart was shattered and I felt the need to protect myself. I had come to think that love wasn’t for me.”

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