a community of students launched towards the future

a community of students launched towards the future
a community of students launched towards the future

Over 300 students of Apple Academy they have finished their journey. Despite being the seventh group to graduate from the professional course of the University of Naples Federico II, the atmosphere that invades the Aula Magna of the technological center of St. John a Teduccio it’s always the same. Joy, happiness, satisfaction and above all hope. For one’s professional path, which from tomorrow onwards will inevitably change towards new challenges and new objectives, but also human, because sharing the third floor of building L on campus for over eight months with young people from all over the world is an experience that they will carry with them for life.

Since its launch in 2016, the Apple Developer Academy in Naples has trained 2,600 students from over 60 countries: this year 40% are foreign and the next cohort (already created) will be 45%. A unique feature in the world, since the other Apple Academies created more recently in five countries (Saudi Arabia, South Korea, Brazil, Indonesia and the United States) do not offer the program for non-residents. An international community that now works for multinationals (placement is over 85%) or for research and academic bodies that carries Naples in its heart and soul. Some, many actually, remain here, finding fertile ground for the creation of startups, thanks to the huge investments of the Campania Region; others, especially those from Campania, are appreciated for their skill and ability by multinationals and many work in Apple’s European headquarters. A success that is also reflected in the neighbourhood, with San Giovanni a Teduccio which renews itself year after year and imagines an ever better future, which challenges the clichés of the suburbs.

He is on the floor

Il Graduation Day this year had a significant audience. In addition to the scientific director George Belly and to the rector Matteo Loritothe regional councilor also participated Valeria FascioneMayor Gaetano Manfredie Lisa Jackson, Vice President of Environment, Policy and Social Initiatives at Apple. An unexpected return for the number two of the Cupertino company who admits: «I don’t just love pizza, even if that’s true, but I love Naples which is like a second home for me, I love the spirit of this place. In the speeches we just listened to, it emerged how much all people care about ensuring that the city’s future also includes innovation, research and opportunities for everyone, and this is incredibly special and rare to find.” What Jackson appreciated about Federico II’s commitment is how she worked on the neighborhood starting from the Apple Academy. «I think that San Giovanni a Teduccio is an example of how this city owes a lot to the University – he said – but also of how much all of you, students, staff, teachers and the people who have made this institution grow, have made this city truly great which, as you know, I love very much.”


«The strength of the Academy is your work, your passion, your competence and I think that today is a very important day for our University and our city» admitted the mayor Gaetano Manfredi. «Eight years ago we started with the Academy with the idea of ​​changing this area, the city and the ecosystem’s perspective. And I think the Apple Academy is doing it, because it has shown an international vision of our University through contamination. We need to create more examples of contamination like this, because one of the most important aspects is inclusion, the ability to use technology to build social cohesion. These activities can really change our city”. A path that perhaps would not have taken root in another city. Because, as underlined by the rector Lorito “we have an 800-year-long history that began, at the behest of Frederick II of Swabia, as a place of free education for all”. The first state university in the world that today “offers more than 300 courses for 80 thousand students. But the Apple Academy is our special child, a course born with a new idea: to build a new type of collaboration with a large international company that is also a large innovation entity of global value. Today we have 13 Academies, thanks to that challenge launched in 2016, and countless requests for others”.

The future

Today the students presented their works to Lisa Jackson, works immediately available on the AppStore. “More than once I was almost moved, because I saw your hard work, but above all your passion. I see that you have finally found your why. Someone told me that they have found their purpose in life, and once you find the reason for what you want to do, then doing it becomes an act of love. Some of you have not yet found this why; or maybe you have found it, but you are not yet sure. Don’t worry, you will find it with time, and maybe you are finding it right now, maybe you don’t even realize at this moment what it is exactly, but the seeds have been planted and will grow,” she said. Apple’s number two also emphasized that starting next year students (and former students) will be able to participate in projects on technologies and tools that exploit artificial intelligence. “These technologies are shaping the future of innovation. AI is what everyone is talking about, and you can make sure it’s used for good, for progress, for communities, for each other,” Jackson insisted. “I’m also very proud of the brand-new Arts program, which will allow selected sophomores to support groundbreaking research in AI-assisted robotics, health, and network services, leveraging the core skills of coding, design, and lifecycle management. We’re really excited to bring it to you.” And finally, her confident farewell: “Technology is advancing so rapidly. And it’s shaping every aspect of our lives every single day: now that it’s in your hands, I can’t wait to see what happens next.” A future that starts in Naples.


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