Violence against health workers: proposals from the Catania Medical Association

Violence against health workers: proposals from the Catania Medical Association
Violence against health workers: proposals from the Catania Medical Association

President Alfio Saggio: «Legislative intervention is needed, it is necessary to provide for the strengthening of prevention measures for Emergency Rooms»

CATANIA – After yet another attack against two doctors and a patient, which took place a few days ago in the emergency room of the Cannizzaro hospital in Catania, Alfio Saggiopresident of the OMCeO (Order of Surgeons and Dentists of the province of Catania), returns to the topic to once again highlight the seriousness of the problem, welcoming the Catania initiatives, in particular the cry of alarm launched months ago by the CISL FP of Catania and more recently by Uil Fpl and FP Cgil, which provided for the delivery of a handbook to healthcare workers explaining how to deal with a possible attack.

«Any initiative that aims to guarantee greater safety for our colleagues is welcomed with great enthusiasm – stated the president Alfio Wise – Countering violence against healthcare workers is one of the battles that our Council has been carrying out for years. If before it was an emergency, now it has sadly become an almost everyday condition. A discussion is needed between all the parties involved: the composition of a technical table involving the medical associations, the trade associations and the territorial managers of the Government is necessary. A strong stance is needed from the central government. Legislative intervention is needed: it is necessary to provide for an increase in prevention measures for emergency rooms. Furthermore, the presence of officers in police stations inside hospitals should be strengthened to intervene quickly to protect healthcare personnel. We also need to improve communication with patients’ families.”

Finally, the Board of Directors of the OMCeO of Catania reiterates its commitment to protecting members who are victims of episodes of violence, underlining that the Order is ready to become a civil party in pending proceedings to guarantee and protect the image and decorum of doctors.

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