autopsy to find out how the courier was killed

autopsy to find out how the courier was killed
autopsy to find out how the courier was killed

The autopsy will establish what happened to Nicolas Matias Del Rio, the 40-year-old Argentine courier who disappeared on May 22 in the Amiata area and was found lifeless in recent days. Three people were arrested.

Nicholas Matias Del Rio

How did courier Nicolas Matias Del Rio die? When did he die? It is to these questions that the prosecutor’s office of Grosseto wants to respond with the autopsy on the body of the 40-year-old Argentinian, who disappeared on May 22nd on theAmiata with a load of Gucci bags worth 500,000 euros of value, and found two days ago at the bottom of a well near a villa in Arcidosso, in the Case Sallustri area, where leather accessories had been found in recent weeks which the luxury fashion house itself then confirmed to be part of the cargo stolen.

The van used by Del Rio for deliveries had instead been given to the flamesAnd.

The judiciary has opened an investigation and arrested three people (but the total number of suspects is 5) for voluntary homicide, kidnapping, robbery, damage. Among them there is Klodjan Gionja 33-year-old Albanian, stopped on 15 June as he was about to board a plane to Tirana from Rome-Ciampino: it was he who revealed to deputy prosecutors Giovanni De Marco and Valeria Lazzarini where the man’s body was during an interrogation in Regina Coeli.

The body of the courier Nicolas Del Rio has been found, now being investigated for voluntary homicide and kidnapping

The other two are the Turks Ozgur Bozkurt44 years old, and Kaia Emre, 28 years old. However, he is under investigation the father of one of the three suspects who in the holiday home he worked as a housekeeper, maintenance worker and gardener.

The Courier Nicolas Matias Del Rio

THE carabinieri they will then have to search the Asmianta holiday home. One of the investigators’ hypotheses is that the man did it held hostage in the house for a few days before dying. The body is in the morgue of the Grosseto hospital. First he would have been lured into one trapped by the suspectswith the aim of stealing the precious cargo.

They are there though other elements to clarify. In fact, the courier had told his employer that he worked for another company, which however no longer existed for some time. The investigators’ suspicion is that he was under threat from what could turn out to be a real small criminal organization.

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