Schelin in Aversa between selfies and polish: “Baldascino deserves to be mayor for his commitment”

Schelin in Aversa between selfies and polish: “Baldascino deserves to be mayor for his commitment”
Schelin in Aversa between selfies and polish: “Baldascino deserves to be mayor for his commitment”

Second ‘big’ of national politics in Aversa in support of Mauro Baldascino mayor. After Conte, on Saturday morning it was the turn of the Democratic Party secretary Elly Schlein. Arriving in the Norman city around 12, the Dem leader was welcomed by the aspiring mayor, by the Teverolese deputy Stefano Graziano, the candidates for the European elections Sandro Ruotolo, Lucia Annunziata and Massimo Schiavone.

First some greetings, then a short tour around Via Roma, the beating heart of the city. Handshakes, hugs, selfies, before heading to Piazza Municipio, to speak to the citizens from the stage, after receiving the typical Aversa Polish as a gift.

“There is no redemption for Italy without the redemption of the South”

“I would like to come back and see our Mauro, mayor of Aversa,” began Schlein. “It deserves it – he says – for its history, for its commitment against organized crime, for its commitment to local associations that every day try to build future opportunities for the young people of this land and greater justice social”.

For the leader of the Democratic Party it is the 82nd stop of the electoral tour: “We bring the same message from South to North, we will stop differentiated autonomy. There is no redemption for Italy if there is no redemption for the South. We will fight against the differentiated autonomy that wants to maintain territorial gaps and increase them. This is the ancient secessionist plan of the League. We do not accept this autonomy which would be the coup de grace on public health, for us there are no patients of series A and B, depending on the region in which they are born. Behind this technical name, lies the denial of access to fundamental services for citizens, school, health, local public transport, these are the same reasons for which we will fight against a constitutional reform that wants to centralize all powers in the hands of the head of the government.”

From the Aversa stage two replies to Meloni

“Meloni said yesterday, in reference to the premiership, it’s do or break. This isn’t about her armchair, but about Italy splitting apart. We have never seen a self-styled patriot split the country in two with differentiated autonomy, which is the cynical barter that Giorgia Meloni made with Salvini’s league on the premiership”, says Schlein from the Norman stage, replying to the Prime Minister. Then she again: “she went to Madrid, surrounded by those nostalgic for Franco’s dictatorship, by nationalists, by Trump’s friends, and she thought it best to attack us, the left, saying that we are erasing identity. One day you will explain to us what you mean, but in the meantime we want to remind you that in the year and a half that you have been in government, you are the one who is canceling people’s freedom. Because if I have a starvation wage and can’t book a medical visit for two years I’m not fully free. I am very proud of our identity, anti-fascist as our constitution is, and I wish you could say the same.”

Baldascino: “What holds the center-right jumble together?”

“Schlein’s visit gives us courage to bring our project forward,” mayoral candidate Baldadcino tells the citizens. We want a city that is attentive to fragile people, more inclusive and supportive. We need to fight at a national level – he says, addressing the Democratic secretary – so that the money goes to social care and healthcare, not to weapons “

For Baldascino we must focus on Aversa: “Our products are the engine of social development. I have known the criminal-driven economy, we cannot accept it, we must valorise the enormous resources we have. Aversa must become an educational city, we have all the schools of all levels, they should not be left alone. Everyone together, municipality, school, parish, third sector, work together on the development of the territory.

Finally, an attack on our opponents: “We don’t understand what holds the center-right jumble together here in Aversa. I launched a pact for a green city, to say a stop to concrete pouring, but they didn’t answer me. The urban planning of our city is fundamental, we have fallen below 50 thousand inhabitants. It’s time to say enough to residential construction, we need an urban plan to serve the city, which protects and enhances historic buildings and green infrastructures”.

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