Palermo weather, the forecast for tomorrow Friday 24 May


The weather forecast for Friday 24 May in Palermo indicate variable conditions throughout the day. Scattered clouds are expected in the morning with cloud cover around 44% and temperatures hovering around +21.1°C. Over the course of the morning, cloud cover will increase by up to 83% with temperatures rising to highs +24.4°C at about 9:00 am. The wind will blow from the East with a speed that will vary from 6km/h to the 11.1km/h.

In the afternoon the clouds will thin out, leaving room for a few clouds with a coverage of around 16%. Temperatures will remain stable around +25.3°C with winds that can reach i 16.4km/h coming from the East – North East. Conditions will remain stable even in the late afternoon with temperatures that will remain around +24.3°C and cloud cover around 13%.

In the evening, the meteorological situation in Palermo will see an increase in cloud cover of around 21%, with temperatures decreasing to +20.5°C. The wind will blow from the East with a speed that will remain around 7.2km/h.

The weather forecast for the next few days in Palermo they indicate an improvement in weather conditions with partly cloudy skies and temperatures that will remain pleasant. However, it is advisable to monitor weather updates for any sudden changes.

All the weather data for Friday 24 May in Palermo

Complete weather forecast for Palermo

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