Bad weather hits the North, hailstorms in the Turin area

Bad weather hits the North, hailstorms in the Turin area
Bad weather hits the North, hailstorms in the Turin area

Significant damage which mainly affected the agricultural sector. Orange alert in the Ferrara area and yellow in Lombardy and Emilia Romagna

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No respite for Northern Italy which continues to be brought to its knees by bad weather. A hailstorm hit this afternoon in the Turin area and also in the hilly area of ​​Oltrepò Pavese, in the Val di Nizza area. Significant damage which mainly affected the agricultural sector. “The script of 2023 is repeated – explained the president of Coldiretti Torino Bruno Mecca Cici -, when we saw hailstorms on our fields already in the spring months”. There were numerous interventions by the firefighters to remove some plants that had fallen due to the strong wind. River levels are under control.

Concern in the Po Delta area

Yet another wave of bad weather that will not spare the northern regions before Sunday, with frequent rains and strong thunderstorms. Instability has increased again in recent hours, also in Veneto, which has not yet overcome the damage caused by last week’s disturbance, despite no new critical situations regarding river levels being recorded. The Bacchiglione, the river that has caused the most concern in recent days, has now fallen below the first threshold in Vicenza; the levels of the Brenta and Adige also decrease. The flood peak of the Po is passing through the Delta area with a hydrometric level above the second guard level in the Ariano section while in Cavanella, Polesella and Pontelagoscuro they remain stable, or slightly decreasing, above the first threshold.

in-depth analysis

Bad weather, torrent overflows in the Veronese area. Many without water in the Bolognese area

Orange alert in the Ferrara area

A strong storm, anticipated by thunder and lightning, also broke out above Milan, where the situation remained under control despite the pouring rain. The yellow alert issued yesterday by the functional natural risk monitoring center of the Lombardy Region has been confirmed. The Municipal Civil Protection Operations Center is also currently active for monitoring the hydrometric levels of the Seveso and Lambro rivers, which flooded last week, and for coordinating any interventions in the city. Yellow alert also in Emilia-Romagna, where a new storm could develop, starting tomorrow, in Emilia-Romagna over the northern plains and the western sector. Arpae, however, issued an orange alert in the Ferrara area. In mountainous and hilly areas, landslides on fragile slopes cannot be ruled out, due to strong gusts exceeding 50 kilometers per hour.

in-depth analysis

Weather, red alert Milan and Lombardy: hydrogeological risk

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