Lega-Forza Italia at loggerheads over alliances in the European elections – News

Lega-Forza Italia at loggerheads over alliances in the European elections – News
Lega-Forza Italia at loggerheads over alliances in the European elections – News

“It is surprising that my friend Antonio Tajani prefers the warmongering Emmanuel Macron to Marine Le Pen, just as it is surprising that the other day he criticized the League’s slogan ‘less Europe’, given that it was the watchword also chosen by Silvio Berlusconi for the electoral campaign of the elections of 25 May 2014, when the current Foreign Minister was European Commissioner”. This was stated by League sources, underlining that Matteo Salvini’s party “does not change its mind and continues to believe that the centre-right model that is governing well in Italy should also be proposed in Brussels”.

The League misremembers and is wrong: Berlusconi’s slogan was not “less Europe”, but “Less Europe in Italy, more Italy in Europe”. Forza Italia supported and supports the principle of subsidiarity: the highest level does not do what the lower level can do. Europe must deal with large dossiers, such as defense and immigration. But not everyone knows the meaning of subsidiarity”. This is how Forza Italia sources respond to the criticism that came from Northern League sources. As for Le Pen – the Italian sources conclude – she is against Europe and wants to leave NATO.

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Tajani, EPP with S&D? We’ll talk about it, my hope is something else

“My hope is” an alliance in Europe between “popular, conservative and liberal people, then we will talk about it in the EPP. We still have to wait for the election result to understand.” FI leader and deputy prime minister Antonio Tajani said this when asked, on the sidelines of a conference on Made in Italy, about the declarations of EPP leader Manfred Weber according to which “the starting point will be cooperation with socialists and liberals”.

Weber, ‘for the EPP majority it will start from the S&D and liberals’

“The starting point will be cooperation with Socialists and liberals. The three big EU political families have an enormous responsibility to stabilize and lead Europe. For us, this will be the starting point. Let’s first listen to what the voters have to say “. EPP leader Manfred Weber underlines this in an interview with the Greek newspaper Kathimerini. On Ursula von der Leyen’s candidacy, Weber remarks: “Every democratic party must respect the winner of the elections. If the EPP comes first, we will have the legitimate right to present our main candidate as the new president of the Commission.”

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