The massacres and the evolution of the mafias, Lombardo: «Today they are dropping financial bombs»

The massacres and the evolution of the mafias, Lombardo: «Today they are dropping financial bombs»
The massacres and the evolution of the mafias, Lombardo: «Today they are dropping financial bombs»

COSENZA Life imprisonment for Giuseppe Graviano And Rocco Santo Filippone. The trial ended with the convictions, confirmed at second instance.”Ndrangheta massacre“. Life imprisonment for the Brancaccio boss and the exponent of the Piromalli gang of Gioia Tauro, already convicted in the first instance for the killing of the carabinieri Antonino Fava And Vincenzo Garofalo, killed on 18 January 1994 in an ambush on the Salerno-Reggio Calabria motorway near the Scilla junction. The Court fully accepted the requests of the deputy prosecutor Giuseppe Lombardo who during his long indictment had defined Graviano and Filippone as “guilty beyond any reasonable doubt”.
Those brutal and bloody actions bring back the memory and reawaken the memory of the armed mob determined, with blood, to fight the war against the State. Those images become a useful tool to raise awareness among young people about the atrocities committed by the mafias. This is why Libera Cosenza organized – in collaboration with the Bernardino Telesio Classical High School – a day dedicated to memory. The deputy prosecutor of Reggio Calabria Giuseppe Lombardo took part in the debate, moderated by the journalist Arcangelo Badolati. Which, al Courier of Calabriadefines the attacks on the two magistrates as “very current episodes to the extent that the mafia components are constantly evolving».

The mafia evolves

The mafia evolves. «It is clear that over the years they have changed their approach. Let’s hope that we will no longer have to witness violent actions like those of 30 years ago, when Falcone and Borsellino were killed. It was a trauma to have witnessed their physical killing, it was a huge trauma for all of us”, claims Lombardo who adds: “I believe that the mafias have changed their perspective». We are talking about less armed crime. «More than bombs, in the traditional sense of the term, today they are capable of dropping financial bombs. I am referring to their enormous wealth. They drop financial bombs on the legal economy, on market rules and become protagonists within increasingly broader scenarios of destabilizing actions, certainly anti-democratic, which we are today called upon to counter with ever new and different tools. We are here, so let’s hope the results arrive.”

The fight against the mafia 2.0

Not only with weapons, but crime is now fought with digital tools, not on the streets but on the dark web. «It’s physiological. Organizations that have objectives strongly oriented towards generating very large illicit profits, the moment they are placed on the legal market, they no longer need only basic labor but increasingly refined thinking heads.” And the ‘ndrangheta becomes a global network, “operating on all continents”. This is why to combat it today we need to “keep up to date with new technologies and above all fully exploit all the technological resources transformed into advanced contrast tools”.

The technological evolution of law enforcement tools and the reduction of wiretaps

It almost seems like a paradox, while the deputy prosecutor Lombardo underlines – like many of his colleagues – the need to equip the police force and those who investigate with tools that are in step with the times and capable of countering hackers hired by the mob, the Government discusses the cutting of wiretaps. «They have always been at the center of the debate, there has been talk for years of reforming them, of also modifying the use that the judiciary has always made of them. I believe that interceptions cannot be given up, rather that increasingly targeted investments must be made. Mafias today use tools that are increasingly difficult to penetrate. Here, the evolution of the interceptions must probably be this, they must not be limited, but rethought to make them increasingly efficient and effective». ([email protected])

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