In Turin 37% of the park is already Euro 6

The “Giro d’Italia” of the Continental Observatory

For the first stage of the Corsa Rosa, Continental photographs the state of mobility in the area: +26% in registrations of electric cars (BEV), but the share of the total remains at 0.6%. Hybrids performed well: +18.2% on new ones and +59.2% on used ones.

May 2024 – Continental, which has sustainability as a founding value, every year it invests huge resources in research and development to create compatible products and services with the ever-increasing demands related to environmental issues, which must be combined with the needs of mobility and of competitiveness of people and companies. With this in mind, it has chosen the cycling platform and to be Top Sponsor of the largest Italian cycling event, the Giro d’Italiato raise awareness and delve deeper into the issues of the impact of mobility with a Observatory which photographs the current situation of the main provinces touched by the Giro.

Turin and its province show interesting data from this point of view. Starting from the fact that between 2022 and 2023 the registration of electric cars increased by 26.3%, going from 2,799 to 3,535 units. The situation on the hybrid front is also positive: +18.2% in the same period, with the transition from 51,963 to 61,427 units.

Consider that the fleet circulating in this city is composed 76.6% from cars (against 74.6% recorded at a national level), 12.3% from motorcycles (13.7% at a national level) and 7.7% from goods transport trucks (8.2%). The rest concerns residual shares of other vehicles (such as buses, special trucks, three-wheelers…).

Another useful aspect for developing the concept of sustainability in the territory concerns the emission category of motor vehicles: the most represented is Euro 6, which covers 36.6% of the circulating capital. A better figure than the national average, which stands at 29.6%. Followed by Euro 4 with 18.4% (19.5% at national level), Euro 5 with 13.9% (14.8% at national level), Euro 3 with 10.6% (12 % at national level). It should be highlighted that there remains a small incidence of Euro 0 category vehicles, which represent 10.2% of the total (the national average reaches 11.7%); if added to Euro 1 and Euro 2, a share of approximately 20% is reached (19.3% to be precise), therefore one vehicle in five.

This last analysis is consistently confirmed if we shift attention to the age of the fleet: the vehicles in circulation in the Piedmontese capital with an age of up to 10 years are 44.2% of the total (in Italy they are 38.5%) ; those with with a maximum of 2 years of seniority they reach a share of 11.8%significantly higher than the national average of 7.8%.

In the nutrition chapter, petrol still dominates, with 48.6% of the total, “against” a percentage of 46.1% at a national level. At a rather significant distance there is diesel with 31.8% (40.4% at a national level). The data on the diffusion of electrified vehicles is interesting: electric is at 0.6% of the total, a percentage in line with the national figure, stuck at 0.5%; better i hybrid vehicles (both petrol and diesel) which are attested in the province of Turin already at 6.4% of the total (4.1% the Italian average).

Some interesting reflections can also be made by observing the data relating to used car sales: as regards the electrical one was recorded between 2022 and 2023 contraction by 8.2%, or from 622 to 571 units. For thehybridinstead, there was a leap forward of 59.2%, with the passage from 5,471 to 8,709 units. The sensitivity demonstrated in the province of Turin towards electric and electrified cars can benefit from one charging network made up of 1,337 points distributed in 549 areas.

As for the alternative mobility services to the private car, in the city of Turin there are car, bike, scooter and scooter sharing facilities. Operators active in car sharing there are 3, with a fleet of available vehicles equal to 817 unit. There are 2 operators active in the services scooter sharing, with approx 500 vehicles. Obviously, the numbers are higher scooters (seven active operators e 4,414 vehicles available) And bikes (three active services e 2,048 vehicles available).

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