«The candidate at the beginning of August». The primary node

Consultations until the vote in June, then work on the program with the «Emilia-Romagna Factory» (evoked in recent days by the mayor of Bologna Matteo Lepore), to arrive at the beginning of August at the choice of candidate for the presidency of the Region: with or without primaries we’ll see.

The Democratic Party and the vote in Emilia-Romagna after the European elections

There Direction of the Emilia-Romagna Democratic Party archive the Bonaccini era and looks to the future of Viale Aldo Moro, postponing the choice of candidate for three months after the race Stefano Bonaccini at the European elections and the prospect of early elections have exploded the hypotheses. A totonomi too focused on the Democrats, complains the regional councilor Mauro Felicori, who has long taken a stand for the primaries: «The Democratic Party he thinks of deciding the candidate at home – this is the fear of the exponent of Italia viva – and then of making some negotiations gift to allies».

Voting on Sundays between 27 October and 10 November

The objective of the regional Democratic Party now is to concentrate its energies on the administrative and European elections, in order to enter the heart of the race towards the regional elections later. But with an early vote almost certainly on one of the three Sundays between October 27th and November 10th, without considering anything other than fate of Emilia-Romagna for the Nazarene is perhaps more important than the European elections, they cannot be “wasted” more than three weeks leading up to the polls on 8 and 9 June.

The regional elections and the “listening phase”

«The best way to approach well the next regional ones it’s about winning the local elections and getting a good result in the European elections”, he told the management on Wednesday evening the regional secretary Luigi Tosianiwhich will take the days that separate it from the June vote to conduct a «listening phase» which will involve civil society, dem community and parties of the future coalition: «We want it to be broad, plural, political and civic. We will build the program together – Tosiani assured – and we will choose the candidate together”.

The names for the post Bonaccini

Once the June vote has been passed, he will leave work on the program, divided into four thematic areas with initiatives spread across the territory, which will culminate in four final events: one in Emilia, one in Bologna, one in Romagna and one in an internal area. The candidates for post-Bonaccini, from the mayor of Ravenna Michele De Pascale to the councillor Vincenzo Colla, passing through the vice president Irene Priolo and the former minister Graziano Delrio, they will therefore have to be patient for a few months. Tosiani’s promise to the dem leadership is to arrive at a name that «Unite the Democratic Party and the coalition, which has governance capacity. There will be no forcing, but not even a minute will be wasted.”

The party’s road map towards the polls

For the deputy Andrea De Mariawho is in charge of the Program in the regional party, the unanimity reached in the leadership on Wednesday evening is proof of “a Democratic Party that is more united than ever”. The Emilia-Romagna Factory “It will be an opportunity to outline a far-reaching project”, adds De Maria, after which we will proceed towards the regional ones “with a unitary choice if the conditions are met. Or with the primary elections.”

Felicori: «Not just PD candidates»

But among the allies there are also those who fear forcing. «In a coalition all parties must have equal dignity. It is therefore not clear why the newspapers’ list of candidates only includes names from the Democratic Party”, writes the councillor Mauro Felicorisole representative of Italy alive in the Bonaccini council, who laments how “the possibility of an entrepreneurial personality” has also disappeared. But if the PD the candidate thinks he can decide on his own, as the reconstructions suggest, «there are always primaries — warns Felicori — who can correct the authoritarian nature of the single round and give everyone, adults and children, equal rights, with the decision entrusted to the voters.”

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