Cagliari weather, the forecast for tomorrow Sunday 2 June


The weather forecast in Cagliari for Sunday 2 June show variable conditions throughout the day. In the morning, cloudy skies are expected with the probability of light rain, while in the afternoon the clouds will thin out, leaving room for clear spells. During the evening and night the sky will be clear.

During the morningthe temperature will be around 19-23°Cwith a humidity that will vary between 47% and the 68%. The wind will blow at speeds between 2 hey 10km/h coming from different directions, mainly from the North and the South.

In the afternoontemperatures will rise slightly, with values ​​around 22-24°C. Humidity will decrease, settling around 58%. The wind will increase slightly in intensity, with gusts up to 20km/h.

During the evening and the Nighttemperatures will gradually drop, with values ​​settling around 15-19°C. The sky will be clear and the humidity will remain around the 65-85%. The wind will be stronger than during the day, with gusts up to 25km/h.

Based on the weather forecast for the next few days in Cagliari, an improvement in atmospheric conditions is expected with an increase in temperatures and generally clear skies. However, it is advisable to pay attention to sudden changes in wind and the possibility of brief light rain during the day.

All the weather data for Sunday 2 June in Cagliari

Complete weather forecast for Cagliari

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