Even in the classrooms the heart of the Republic beats

CREMONA – «The prefect was impressed by the creation of the external and internal spaces of the Prefecture building with Minecraft», they say Monica Boccoli And Simonetta Anelli, the ‘cubed’ teachers, as they have been known throughout Italy for years. It was this falling in love at first click that led Corrado Conforto Galli to want to involve the children of the Cremona Uno comprehensive institute, directed by Maria Giovanna Manziain the rich program of Republic Day.

«The prefect was able to enter the Government building rebuilt by the kids with the video game which is a bit like the digital evolution of Lego – tell the story of the two teachers who have made video games a valuable and creative teaching tool -. The boys, who now attend the Campi middle school, have reconstructed the historic center of our city and the Prefecture with a verisimilitude that amazed the State representative in Cremona, who was able to wander around the halls of his residence reconstructed by the boys down to the smallest details. All this was made possible precisely by the hospitality offered to our boys by the prefect.”

But as we know, one thing leads to another and it’s a short step from virtual reality to concrete reality. Thus having designed the Prefecture in Minecraft and studying the functions of the central government garrison in the territory they are actions that have transformed into the promotion of active citizenship. All this will have its effect with the involvement of the students of the Campi choir on the stage of the Republic Day, 24 in total, prepared by the teachers Laura Corona And Chiara Raitano.

Tomorrow the choir will be directed by the maestro Antonino Campisi. «The choir will sing the Mameli Hymn – says Campisi – with a solo a cappella moment, entrusted to Amalia Novarese who will sing the third verse of the Hymn, while the Choir will perform the remaining verses. We are rehearsing, the boys are excited, very excited and we are with them.” The choir experience unites, in continuity, primary school and middle school, a path in the name of music that encourages growth and allows children to get involved on a special occasion such as Republic Day.

All this translates into further awareness, as Professor Raitano explains: «There will be a surprise that we cannot reveal, but which symbolically makes belonging to the nation and to the Republic which are celebrated on June 2nd more physical – she explains -. During the anthem we will create a scenographic moment that aims to bring the body into play and the possibility of making the sense of belonging to the Republic a habitus. It will be a surprise for everyone, in the name of the Italian flag. But don’t make me say more.” The children of the Cremona Uno comprehensive school will also read from the stage the message that the President of the Republic addresses to the authorities and citizens.

In this sense, Republic Day, between music and words, aims to be not only a celebratory moment, but also an authentic opportunity for national cohesion in the name of the principles of democracy and freedom of the Constitution. From the virtual reality of Minecraft to the party in the square: the celebration of the Republic aims more than ever to be participatory, an experience that allows you to directly experience the emotion of being part of the Italian community, of sharing its values ​​in the name of democracy and freedom. And that all this happens through music and words and with the involvement of students are details that are not negligible and that give rise to confidence in the future.

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