Rabiot-Juve renewal? Marchisio has clear ideas: “For me…”

Rabiot-Juve renewal? Marchisio has clear ideas: “For me…”
Rabiot-Juve renewal? Marchisio has clear ideas: “For me…”

Rabiot has not yet given a response to Juventus and his contract expires tomorrow 30 June. French is also very popular in Italy Milanwho remains on the sidelines in case of an opportunity. In the meantime Giuntoli has already made his first moves, with Douglas Luiz now already a Juventus player (waiting for the official announcement) and Khephren Thuram which can come at a good price, given that it will expire in 2025. Meanwhile, Marchisio also expressed his thoughts on the French “crazy horse”.

Marchisio on Rabiot’s future

Rabiot renewal? I hope so, because he has proven to be a great player. He showed all his value in his journey at Juventus, despite the initial difficulties, as is right for any footballer. I hope he can stay, but I am neither his agent nor a manager – Marchisio explained to Radio Serie A. In the last few hours the little prince has appeared as a guest on the De Core podcast, making some statements about his support for the Old Lady: “Turin, a city with a big heart but not as warm as that of Rome, with a fan base that is slowly warming up, but it takes time. Torino fans are the soul of the city. It’s not that Juventus fans aren’t found much, but Turin belongs to Toro. When there is the Mole derby they are the soul of the derby, who keep it always active. While the Juventus fans are a bit scattered everywhere. We are everywhere but we don’t have our main nucleus, let’s put it that way.”

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