“I said it in 2014”. On Spalletti and the World Cup…

“I said it in 2014”. On Spalletti and the World Cup…
“I said it in 2014”. On Spalletti and the World Cup…

The Editorial Staff Monday, July 1, 2024, 11:03 AM

Prandelli and Italian football

Finally, the former coach of the Italian National Team he concluded: “Is there a crisis of managers in Italy? This is due to the fact that there are many non-Italian owners, these are investment funds managed by managers and therefore they find it difficult to relate to a football that for them is something different. We also need to train new managers, there are many things to do, but if we don’t start we continue to repeat the same things. We need to start immediately, without questioning Gravina and Spalletti, who have nothing to do with it. Here the problem is the football movement in general. The fan always sees the footballer as that boy who has money, fame and then, when you go on the pitch, if he performs like at the European Championships, he also questions the man-footballer. It seems to me that lately we are becoming characters: football is becoming a global game, where there are these footballers who become great characters. But to support the character, you need to have great intelligence and great humility. Cristiano Ronaldo is at his sixth European Championship and you can never reproach him for anything in terms of performance. Change Spalletti? No, absolutely not“.

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