M1 and M5 extension in Monza, update on the projects

M1 and M5 extension in Monza, update on the projects
M1 and M5 extension in Monza, update on the projects

Extension M1 and M5 in Monza: update in the Lombardy Region. For the extension of M5 the start date of the competition is postponed to 2025 with the prospect of closing the chapter for 2032-33. For the M1 the problem in the foreground remains that of additional costs: the Ministry’s willingness to intervene with around 22 million euros has been confirmed but the total to be covered is 38 million. This, in a nutshell, is the picture of the situation for the two major infrastructure projects affecting Monza and its roads. We talked about it today, May 16th, during the Commission V Mobility and Transport of the Regional Council in which MM was heard and in which the mayor of Monza, Paolo Pilotto, also participated. Comments on the session then came from Pilotto and regional councilor Gigi Ponti (PD), which provided a useful update and allowed us to identify the points on which to concentrate the institutions’ action to reach the objective.

“These are two important infrastructures for Monza and the Brianza area. For this reason I believe it was useful to take stock of the timetable linked to the two interventions”. The regional councilor of the Democratic Party said it Gigi Ponti, who then underlined how we must look at the timing of the realization of the two works in a timely manner. Especially knowing that while M5 has a complex process, but with clear prospects, on the contrary the difficulties on M1, especially economic, are important and worrying. Ponti adds: “For the M5 it is a path that requires multiple levels of collaboration, starting with a serious commitment on the part of Region which, as Co-protagonist body of the work he will also have to take a diligent part in finding the economic resources based on the checks that will be carried out by the end of the year”.


Gigi Ponti started from the project for the extension of the M5. And he reported: “For his part, MM explained how the M5 project will be included in the FEAR, the Single Regional Authorization Provision, which will be completed by June. Subsequently, before being able to prepare all the necessary documents to go to tender by 2025, MM will have to present an update of the definitive project, estimated by the end of 2024, together with an update of the economic framework. Currently the financing coverage is equal to 1 billion and 265 million. It remains to be understood, given the increases in materials that have occurred in recent years, whether the sum available today can still cover the entire requirement”.

On the M5 Mayor Pilotto he noted the postponement to 2025 of the start of the tender which was scheduled for 2024. However, he said he was quite optimistic about the process. “In these circumstances, a pessimistic summary is in order – he acknowledged – but if we were able to proceed with the assignment for 2026, the implementation times would go to 2032-33 and that is more or less the time we are already discussing in the council Why it always seemed plausible to usand, considering the complexity of the process”. The mayor of Monza reported a figure known only to insiders which, as numbers often do, provides an effective idea of ​​the situation: “the technical programming documents are around 12-15milto. It is clear that even a small modification in this mass of documents requires considerable time. As we proceed, there is room to work on the integration of the coverages which in my opinion are the real crux”. Pilotto is referring to the additional costs linked to the many economic factors: material prices, inflation, etc. Already in the program, when the technical times require it, there is a participation of the Municipality of Monza in the expenses with a loan of 27.5 million euros, “this is what the institution is believed to be able to commit, albeit with a certain sacrifice, for a project of such importance in our territory”.


On the M1 project, the regional councilor dem Gigi Ponti, present at the hearing in the Region, commented: “I am positively aware of the availability of the Ministry which, however, did not find all the sums necessary to cover the economic plan. I believe that the Lombardy Region’s proposal to convene a table with the subjects who signed the agreement is important at this point so as to understand what the margins are and where to look for the resources”.

The mayor of Monza Paolo Pilotto insisted precisely on the concept of coordination and collaboration. Clearly central is the issue of the 38 million additional costs, 22 of which the Ministry said it was willing to cover. “I think it’s essential mutual aid work between mayors of the affected communities and the Region to coordinate and seek solutions together. We must have for the search for resources the same iron determination and the same close coordination we had in the design verification phase”. The mayor admits that the time will come when it will be impossible not to decide how much the Municipality of Monza is able to contribute, but he also cited the need to “find new formulas already seen in Europe. Not excluding also European calls on infrastructures, which have always been there, regardless of the Pnrr. Such as the Fesr (European Regional Development Fund). Here too, the synergy of municipalities and the Region together becomes essential.”

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