Healthcare. From 22 January to 5 May, 8,008 accesses to the Ravenna Emergency Assistance Center

Healthcare. From 22 January to 5 May, 8,008 accesses to the Ravenna Emergency Assistance Center
Healthcare. From 22 January to 5 May, 8,008 accesses to the Ravenna Emergency Assistance Center

The welcome at the Cau in Ravenna

From 22 January to 5 May, there were 8,008 accesses to the Urgent Assistance Center in Ravenna, and 4,595 to the one in Cervia from 18 December to 5 May. In the 35 Emergency assistance centers operating in Emilia-RomagnaThey were almost 151 thousand accesses in the first six months of activity, from 1 November to 5 Maygiven that it exceeds quota 162 thousand (162.081) if they are also considered Ferrara city and provincethe first to start on an experimental basis.

A budget that is confirmed positivealso with respect to the experience of those who needed to use the new service: come on 3,080 questionnaires on the satisfaction of the structures compiled at regional level, it emerges that 84.3% of citizens currency”positively” or “very positively” the service received, and for the84.8% The waiting time was “adequate” or “optimal”.

Stable and always high – over 83% – the percentage of people they find assistance and care directly within the structure (on average 8 out of 10 patients), while the most frequent pathologies (53%) related to access – problems orthopaedic, gastrointestinal and minor ailments – confirm how citizens have understood the correct “use” of emergency assistance centres, established by the Region precisely for the management of low complexity emergenciescontinuing to hold on to the Emergency room the emergencies.

Another important fact concerns i waiting timewhich remain contained, 45 minutes on average in the last week, with accesses mainly in daytime (82%). In fact, the greatest turnout was recorded between 8am and 2pmIn the 68% of cases by people between 18 and 64 years old. As regards the medical personnel employed in the structures, the Caus are “young structures”: to date, in fact, in the emergency assistance centers they work 464 doctors (205 women and 259 men), of which over 60% are under 35 years old And 53% are specializing.

Data from November 1, 2023 to May 5, 2024

These, in summary, are the data relating to the first six months of activity – from 1 November 2023 to 5 May 2024 – of the 35 Caus operating in Emilia-Romagna: 150,799 hits (162.081 also considering those of Ferrara, the first to start on an experimental basis as low-complexity clinics), the82% of which in day time; on average they are recorded 19 accesses per day in the morning (from 8am to 2pm) e 4pm in the afternoon (from 2pm to 8pm), however, they vary from a minimum of 1 to a maximum of 32 daily accesses in night time (from 8pm to 8am).

Eight out of 10 patients (i.e. 83%) sent to the treating doctor at the end of the course, therefore with assistance and care receipts directly on site; the cases mainly concern (53%) natural problems gastrointestinal, orthopedic and minor ailments. The 68% of accesses are carried out by people between 18 and 64 years oldwith average waiting times of 45 minutes in the last week, from a minimum of 3 minutes to a maximum of 2 hours and 8 minutes.

Citizens’ evaluation: 84% positive or very positive experience

For the84.3% of citizens who turned to emergency assistance centres due to health problems, the experience within the Cau was “positive” or “very positive“, both in terms of reception and care. This is confirmed by the data collected through the survey that the Emilia-Romagna Region has proposed in collaboration with the health authorities starting from 29 January. On 3,080 questionnaires (compiled on a voluntary and anonymous basis by the patient himself or the person accompanying him), furthermore, the84.8% believes that the waiting time it was “adequate” or “optimal”.

“Long live public health”, the Region’s communication campaign

The continues campaign of comunication that the Region has developed to illustrate how the Cau works and what needs they respond to.
Addressed to the whole populationaims to explain to citizens how access to regional emergency-urgency services changes – therefore where CAUs arise and how they work and for which pathologies they are indicated – and to increase awareness that the public health service it’s a common heritage of great value, to be preserved.

A complex topic expressed in simple words using TV, radio, billboards, social channels and information material available online, on the web page dedicated to the reform of the emergency-urgency system on the website emergency and in the frequently asked questions section In communication tools that allow it, messages are reported in the five languages ​​adopted in the emergency room (Italian, English, French, Arabic and Chinese).

The podcast is also part of the campaignPublic health. Family lexicon“, produced by Region, which entrusts the story of the regional health service to the testimonies and stories of patients, operators and professionals, a complex and constantly evolving machine which, day after day at the service of the communities, sees thousands of women and men engaged in guaranteeing each of us , without distinction, the best care available. Rights, universalism, money and time I am the themes of the seven episodes, online on the website at e sui Spotify channels and Spreaders of the regionwhich bring out the value of this heritage.

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