Varese takes to the streets for Lavinia Limido: associations, anti-violence centers and politicians in procession on Saturday for the woman scarred by her ex-husband

Varese takes to the streets for Lavinia Limido: associations, anti-violence centers and politicians in procession on Saturday for the woman scarred by her ex-husband
Varese takes to the streets for Lavinia Limido: associations, anti-violence centers and politicians in procession on Saturday for the woman scarred by her ex-husband

Lavinia Limido is still hospitalized at the Varese district hospital, where in the last few hours she was operated on for the second time – subjected to a delicate maxillofacial surgery after the attack suffered by her ex-husband Marco Manfrinati, who scarred her with a knife and killed her father Fabio Limido – but in the meantime Varese is preparing to take to the streets for her: numerous anti-violence centres, associations and politicians in the area have already announced their participation in the demonstration scheduled for Saturday 11 May, with meeting in Piazza Monte Grappa at 10am and procession in Corso Matteotti starting from 10.30am.

“The tragedy of Varese affects the entire community and calls for even more commitment to create a culture of respect and solidarity – we read in the appeal launched by the organizations promoting the initiative, including the territorial inter-institutional network for the prevention and fight against gender violence, the Varese and Busto Arsizio sections of the Italian Association of Women Jurists and various anti-violence centers in the area – . Faced with yet another tragedy involving a woman who is in serious condition in hospital and her father who was killed in an extreme attempt to save her and protect her from the violence of her ex-husband, we cannot remain silent and together we want to express the our most sincere condolences to the family and our shared solidarity.”

In light of this dramatic episode – unfortunately only the most recent of a long series – “we feel even more the need to create and strengthen denser and more effective networks between women, men, institutions and associations so that no woman has to be afraid and feel alone and defenseless, to contribute together to that increasingly necessary cultural change”.

At the demonstration in the heart of the city Among others, the Equal Opportunities Councilor of the Municipality of Varese Rossella Dimaggio will participatethe equality councilor of the Province of Varese Anna Danesi and the provincial vice-president with responsibility for equal opportunities Valentina Verga.

They will also be present the territorial representatives of CGIL, CISL and UIL: “We learned with anger and dismay the news of yet another tragedy that occurred to the detriment of a woman and her father who tried to defend her from the attack by her ex-husband, which occurred despite the restrictive measures issued against him – the three trade union organizations write in a joint note -. A story of violence which, after the report of mistreatment by the woman, continued with acts of intimidation, stalking and threats also towards Lavinia’s parents and culminated with the death of Fabio Limido and the serious injury of her daughter” .

In addition to expressing their condolences to the family and their closeness “to the woman who is fighting for her life in these hours”, the unions ask themselves “when this massacre will end, when women will truly be free to end a relationship without fear of retaliation and when men, all of them, will erase the culture of possession and violence from society.”

The organizers’ invitation is addressed to everyone – institutions, associations, citizens – to experience “a moment of sharing as a sign of solidarity and firm condemnation of the violence that has affected our entire community”.

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