He stalks and threatens his ex-girlfriend in Benevento: arrested

He stalks and threatens his ex-girlfriend. The suspect allegedly threatened her with death and threw acid on her

Persecuted and threatens her ex-girlfriend in Benevento. On the afternoon of last April 28, the local carabinieri arrested a 44-year-old from Benevento in the “deferred prosecution of the crime of persecutory acts”. A communication from the Benevento Prosecutor’s Office spread the news

The investigation, conducted by the soldiers of the Carabinieri and coordinated by the Public Prosecutor’s Office, made it possible to highlight the illicit behavior of the suspect towards the woman which lasted from 2019 until 27 April 2024. The courageous complaint filed by the victim was fundamental .

The man did not accept the end of the relationship, moved by deep jealousy towards his ex, he allegedly harassed the woman through continuous phone calls, messages and stalking.

His intent would have been to convince the woman to resume the relationship. In recent months, the suspect allegedly carried out even more harassing and dangerous conduct towards her ex-girlfriend, going so far as to threaten her with death and throw acid on her.

The statements made by the woman and the acquisition of audio and video files made it possible to gather serious indications of guilt against the suspect, highlighting the dangerousness of the man.

The man, through his repeated violent conduct, had caused his ex-girlfriend a persistent and serious state of anxiety and fear for her own safety. In fact, she would have forced her to alter her life habits, reducing her visits with friends and going out.

In respect of the arrested person, who was taken to prison on 28 April 2024 on the orders of the Public Prosecutor and subjected to a validation hearing on 30 April, precautionary custody in prison was ordered by the Judge of Preliminary Investigations, in acceptance of the request of the Prosecutor’s Office

The measure carried out is a precautionary measure, against which appeals are permitted. The recipient is a person subjected to investigations and, therefore, presumed innocent until a final sentence is reached.

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