The “Re-Connections” of young people against educational poverty

The “Re-Connections” of young people against educational poverty
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BRINDISI – The “Ri-connessioni” project recently concluded its first theoretical phase, marking an important milestone in the fight against educational poverty in the province of Brindisi. Thanks to the initiative of the cultural and artistic association SMTM Aps, in collaboration with local and national bodies, this ambitious program has begun to leave a significant footprint, aiming to redesign the educational landscape for 150 young people between 11 and 17 years old.

“Ri-connessioni” is the proposal of the cultural and artistic association SMTM APS, in partnership with the Municipality of Brindisi, the Istituto Comprensivo Cappuccini of Brindisi, the National Consortium CGM, the education body for crafts and SMEs Ecipa and the non-profit social cooperative Eridano. The project is financed by the European Union NextGenerationEU Pnrr M5C3 – Investment 1.3 – Structured socio-educational interventions to combat educational poverty in Southern Italy in support of the third sector.

At the center of this innovative socio-educational project Maurizio Ciccolella, artistic director of the “Scuola Talìa”, whose guidance and dedication have catalyzed the energies of a heterogeneous team towards the common goal of mitigating school dropout and expanding training opportunities for minors. Ciccolella did not limit himself to the administrative role; his active participation as a trainer strengthened the bond between the bodies involved and the young participants, demonstrating a tangible commitment towards the success of the project. During the first phase, frontal workshops focused on audiovisual teaching were organised. Through acting lessons, study of film language, scenography and filming and screenwriting techniques, held by industry professionals, participants had the opportunity to immerse themselves in the world of cinema. This experience enriched their artistic and technical understanding and laid the foundation for the development of STEAM skills, through open, accessible and experimental educational actions to activate an educating community.

«We chose to conclude the first part of the training at the MediaPorto of Brindisi – explained Maurizio Ciccolella – to offer the minors involved the opportunity to gain experience in the field and learn about the enormous potential of the Brindisi cultural infrastructure. On this occasion we visited the structure with the guidance of the Mediaporto staff, we watched a film with a critical discussion of the themes and cinematographic language and delivered a certificate of participation. The enthusiasm and active participation of the young people involved exceeded all our expectations , strongly demonstrating the relevance and impact that art and culture have on young people. Cinema, with its unique ability to tell stories, evoke emotions and stimulate reflection, has proven to be an extraordinarily effective tool in creating a bridge between formal education and children’s life experiences. This art, which is a vehicle for profound life lessons, offers young people an escape from the ordinary and a lens through which to see and understand the world in new and inspiring ways. Through the project, we have seen how cinema can function as a powerful lever to combat educational poverty, opening children’s eyes to worlds that previously seemed unattainable. The experience at MediaPorto strengthened my belief that, by investing in creative skills, we can not only enrich their educational path, but also equip them with the tools necessary to face and positively transform the reality around them. The approach of the children and the success of the activities carried out at the MediaPorto of Brindisi remind us that cinema is not simply entertainment: it is a key to unlocking human potential, an open window onto the future. We will continue to explore this powerful mode of expression as a means to inspire, educate and ultimately emancipate young people from the educational poverty they face».

The culmination of this training phase will be the creation of a short film, the result of the commitment of the participating children. This practical activity not only allows young people to concretely apply what they have learned, but also symbolizes the transition from the theoretical to the practical, enhancing their ideas and creativity. Ciccolella also emphasized the importance of recognizing and enhancing talent in every individual, a key principle that guides the “Ri-connessioni” project. His vision extends beyond formal learning, embracing a holistic approach to education, integrating psychological support and guidance, activities carried out in parallel by Ecipa and Eridano to ensure a comprehensive and lasting impact on the community. “Re-connections” traces a new methodological route in the education of young people in Brindisi. The project intends to combat educational poverty and aspires to instill in participants a passion for learning, which goes beyond the boundaries of traditional education, leveraging the powerful narrative and emotional immediacy of cinema as a tool for personal and collective growth.

In addition to the cinema workshop, minors can also receive personalized study support, learn more about audio-video tech professions and attend workshops to strengthen STEM skills. A psychological help desk and support actions for the educational community are also available. The project lasts two years, participation is free. For information you can write to [email protected].


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