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“Every body has its own dignity”

“Every body has its own dignity”
“Every body has its own dignity”

In the middle of a concert in Azzano Decimo, Emma Marrone made a speech against body shaming, addressing those who continue to throw mud on her looks and above all on her body, which, at the age of 40, has the right to do what he wants.

Emma Brown continues to confirm herself as a beautiful person and a great woman. This is demonstrated by the speech she made during a stop on her concert tour. While she enchanted the audience in Azzano Decimo, in the province of Pordenone, with her splendid voice, she thought it best to stop singing to talk about the criticisms that, obviously on social media, have been made regarding her body and to her look of her. The singer temporarily interrupted the concert to talk about haters and body shaming, especially addressing young girls, who are increasingly obsessed with physical perfection and aesthetics.

Emma Marrone’s speech at the Azzano Decimo concert

At the concert in Azzano tenth Emma Brown She showed up with an aggressive look at the right point: shorts, a yellow top that left her belly exposed and a pair of high boots. The audience was numerous and the former student of Amici as well as former judge of X Factorgave a beautiful speech, starting by talking about the comments on her outfit that someone would certainly make the next day and saying that she didn’t care at all. Then she explained:

I want to say especially to the young girls, those who still have a little life to do to have big and strong shoulders like mine. Don’t chase after certain things. Every body has its dignity, every body has its beauty, perfection doesn’t exist, and if it does, a surgeon has put his hand to it, believe me.

Then the singer returned to talk about the criticisms of her outfits, saying that she didn’t reach 40 years old to be told by four ignorant people how to dress and adding:

This body has fought a lot of battles, and if I want to go naked on stage I think I can afford to, no matter what.

If the audience applauded for a long time Emma Brownit was probably for the hymn to life contained in his words:

We are here, we breathe, we are alive, and it is beautiful to show ourselves as we are, even if there are defects, indeed, the defects make the wonder of what we are.

Emma Marrone’s illness

As she herself revealed a couple of months ago, Emma he had to fight against a very aggressive tumor, which recurred two more times. To win it, the singer had to undergo surgery to remove her ovaries. Before the operation the Marrone she had time to freeze her eggs. She still has the uterus and she could have a child, which would make her very happy. Unfortunately in Italy assisted fertilization is not allowed for single women. While she was battling cancer, Emma She has seen her body change, and that’s also why body shaming makes her nervous, especially the sterile criticisms of her physical shape and that of anyone else. Emma Brown she discovered she was ill when she accompanied a friend to a gynecological visit and had herself examined too.

There is a video of Emma Marrone’s speech. Here it is:

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