Folic acid and hair: the benefits and how much is needed

Folic acid proves to be an excellent ally in the prevention of hair loss simultaneously promoting its growthThe volume and the color. The nutritionist Maila Fiorentini explains how and why.

Folic acid: characteristics and benefits

Folic acid, or vitamin B9it is a vitamin water soluble. “It is not stored in the body – explains the expert – and the excess it is eliminated through urine. The daily requirement in adults is 0.4 mg (400mcg) per day. Major in pregnancy, feeding time and specifications health conditions”.

how does it work for the benefit of hair?

“It intervenes in the production of new cells and in the processes of proliferationespecially gods hair follicles. Its function – he explains Maila Fiorentini -, essential for the life of red blood cells, ensures their correct blood circulation to the scalp providing nutrients to the follicles hairs. It also proves fundamental for the keratin synthesis, one of the key proteins of structure and hair resistanceand for the functionality of melanocytes, cells responsible for melanin productioni.e. the pigment it gives hair color”.

Scientific research

Between numerous studies scientific studies conducted over the years on the topic is highlighted The role of vitamins and minerals in hair loss: a review. “What emerged – the nutritionist testifies – is the importance of folic acid and other vitamins (vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E) and some minerals (zinc, selenium, iron) in the development of hair follicle and in the function of immune cells. It has been highlighted, on the contrary, that the ferritin deficiency, vitamin D, folic acid, vitamin B12 and selenium cause premature graying of the hair.” On the hair lossthe expert cites a second research: “The study is titled Reduced ferritin, folate, and vitamin B12 levels in female patients diagnosed with telogen effluvium. Here a close correlation between reduced levels of ferritin, vitamin B12 and folate with telogen effluvium was demonstrated, also called YOUwhich describes a generalized hair loss higher than normal, usually occurring after a triggering event”.

damage from folic acid deficiency

A folic acid deficiency can have negative effects both on the hair health that on general health of the organism. “An unbalanced diet – underlines Maila Fiorentini – prolonged use of alcohol and drugs, smoking and the presence of gastrointestinal disorders can interfere with absorption and the bioavailability of folic acid. The effects on hair are: fallweakening of the structure, fragility, defibrationloss of shine and premature appearance of grey hair And whites. At the same time, on a general level, we will find weakness, tiredness, fatigue, low energy, apathy and even forms of anemia responsible, for example, for problems in the development of the fetus during pregnancy. Last, but no less noteworthy, the potential cardiovascular complicationssince folic acid is involved in modulation of homocysteine. It is important to find out any folic acid deficiency through a health professional who can advise food supplements and enriched foods”.

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foods and integration

Green light to fruits and vegetablesin particular ” the green leaf one. And again – suggests the nutritionist – citrus fruits and dried fruitabove all nuts. Folic acid is also present in legumesin the cereals especially wholemeal, in cheesesin eggin brewer’s yeast, in liver and in offal. In smaller quantities also in meat and fish”. Some precautions can prove useful for hair health: “You need to pay attention to the type of shampoo used, the frequency of washing and the treatments to which the hair is subjected. On the beach – concludes Maila Fiorentini – it is advisable adequate protection from the sun’s rays and from the water of the sea.”

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