Flavio Briatore and wine: «Yes to the glass with pizza: here are my pairings»

Flavio Briatore and wine: «Yes to the glass with pizza: here are my pairings»
Flavio Briatore and wine: «Yes to the glass with pizza: here are my pairings»

Flavio Briatore is an eclectic entrepreneur. From tourism to sports, from food to nightlife, he has always pursued original ideas and models, sometimes divisive but certainly innovative. In this sense he has made imagination and creativity an added value that has allowed him to conquer market shares and explore new or little-trodden sectors, conquering them and always showing an extraordinary ability to surprise. For these characteristics, and also in homage to his homeland, Piedmont, a place of excellence for wine production, we decided to compare it to Barbaresco, an extraordinary bottle that is born, grows and takes shape in a place where from an oenological point of view almost everything is possible: the Langhe. Pure Nebbiolo, Barbaresco is one of the Italian wines with the greatest capacity for evolution and refinement, energetic and resilient, velvety and enveloping, capable of waiting patiently in the bottle for even 25-30 years without losing its shine, indeed becoming more and more intense.

Now would be the time for white but this time we will make an exception and for Briatore we will choose a second red. Yes, because as a wine enthusiast and connoisseur, the entrepreneur and manager originally from the province of Cuneo also loves the bottles that come to life in Tuscany and, in particular, in a place that represents a sort of El Dorado, namely Bolgheri. There, a very successful experiment was carried out: to produce wines that distance themselves from the classic and traditional Sangiovese to instead embrace international vines with a Bordeaux blend such as Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc and Merlot and which for this reason are defined as Supertuscan. We are therefore convinced that Briatore is a “middle ground” between a Piedmontese red and a Supetuscan.

Pizza and beer.
“Who said that?

It’s a classic.
“I don’t doubt it but it would also be time to go outside the box.”

In what sense?
«Well, as far as I’m concerned I prefer wine».

Pizza and wine.
“Right. After all, pizza is the food with the greatest number of variations, ingredients and toppings that there is.”

So what?
“It is very easy to pair it with a good glass of wine. That’s why the cellar of “Crazy Pizza” will reserve many surprises. Right in these days we will open on the seafront, in via Nazario Sauro, come and visit us”.

Stuff for connoisseurs.
«I always say that “Crazy Pizza” is not a simple pizzeria but a real brand. Our goal is to offer an experience in which the “beverage” is an integral part. This is why we have a cellar, and a wine list, designed in harmony with the recipes.”

What pairings do you recommend?
“I could tell you that with certain pizzas made with robust ingredients, such as the “San Daniele” and the “Pata Negra”, bubbles go very well, they balance the flavors. Oh, I forgot: the list will have a wide selection dedicated to local wines.”

Any examples?
«Greco di Tufo and Falanghina, the flagships of wine production in the southern regions, but also Aglianico, Lacryma Christi, Taurasi».

He chose excellence.
«I couldn’t have done it differently. Campania wines are experiencing incredible success and considerable interest from our customers. Apart from this homage to the region, the wine list is the same from London to Porto Cervo to Monte Carlo.”

Wouldn’t that be a little too pretentious for a pizzeria?
«I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: the concept of “Crazy Pizza” is not to replace or compete with traditional pizzerias, nor with classic restaurants, but to offer an experience for those looking for something different and luxurious».

An experience?
«Exactly. Our proposal is not only about pizza, but about the entire “experience” of “dining”, of dinner, which includes the environment, the service, the presentation, the quality of the ingredients and also the entertainment».

Classic question: white, red or bubbles?
«It depends on the occasion, in general I prefer white. Even if the classic scheme always works: bubbles for the aperitif, lively white on summer evenings, still white with fish and full-bodied red with meat.”

Some say that wine pairing is an art.
“I agree, it’s not easy. Choosing the right bottle doesn’t just depend on the type of food but on the flavors that mix together, the consistency and intensity of the wine: it’s like intertwining taste and aromas to create a harmony that involves all the senses.”

The best time to open a bottle?
«As far as I’m concerned there is no rule, if the bottle is good it’s a good moment in any case».

Favorite regions?
«Piedmont for the reds and Friuli Venezia Giulia for the whites».

Which wine do you choose for a gallant dinner?
“I don’t know. It depends on many factors, where you are, the food, the tastes of those at the table with you.”

Memorable drinks?
“Definitely too many to remember one in particular.”

And do you remember if there is a wine with which you conquered Gregoraci?
“No way. Elisabetta is completely teetotal.”

Have you ever thought about producing wine?
“No. I already have enough to do and I’ve never had the desire. I believe that everyone should do their job and I am not a wine producer.”

What’s the best bottle you’ve ever drunk in your life?
«I have undoubtedly drunk excellent wines, now it is not easy to establish which was the best».

Try it.
«At the top of the world rankings there are a couple: Masseto and Massetino, among the five most prestigious and sought-after Italian wines».

The area of ​​origin is that of Bolgheri.
«Yes, it’s a single vineyard, it’s only six, seven hectares, no more. I read that the name is due to the blue clay boulders that form on the surface of the vineyard. Great structure and longevity, it’s a shame that it is always produced in extremely limited quantities.”


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