Naike Rivelli, after 7 years admits the whole sad truth: “I have seen many doctors and no one has treated me…” | No treatment helped her

Naike Rivelli, after 7 years admits the whole sad truth: “I have seen many doctors and no one has treated me…” | No treatment helped her
Naike Rivelli, after 7 years admits the whole sad truth: “I have seen many doctors and no one has treated me…” | No treatment helped her

Naike Rivelli’s confession after seven years makes everyone relive what had happened: a sadness that still spreads.

Even if the surname Rivelli does not ring a bell in everyone, Naike Rivelli she is the daughter of an artist, and the resemblance to her mother, an enormously successful actress, is evident.

Let’s talk about Ornella Muteaka Francesca Rivelli, an Italian star who made the history of Italian cinema, known for her skill and beauty, both qualities that her daughter inherited.

Naike, in fact, also chose to make her way in the world of entertainment: from her debut together with her mother at just 8 years old, her path was long and successful until arrive at the contemporaneity.

Despite the great spontaneity of the show girl and presenter, a particular aspect of her life had never been fully shared in public: here is Naike Rivelli’s confession, which came online in recent days.

Naike Rivelli’s numerous treatment attempts

“Vegan activist”: this is how the Italian star describes himself today busy on various online fronts to promote some practices and discredit others, in some cases gathering large groups of people who share his political and social ideas.

She appears very satisfied, yet in one of her latest posts on Instagram, one of the social that she uses most, revealed an aspect of her past that she says she has not been able to resolve with the help of any doctor: the presenter spoke about a problem common to many women of her age.

No cure, just remedies

“After seeing many doctors, gynecologists and endocrinologists, after 7 years of less intense pause, no one was able to tell me anything about boils”, writes in the caption of the post Naike Rivelli, who has staged and accurately described all the typical symptoms of menopause. While, for the others, he seems to have found assistance, it seems that as regards the “boilers”, the well-known star is not at all satisfied with the proposals made to her in the medical field.

Finally, she reveals how she manages to find relief: “Only Bedrocan from the pharmacy helps you sleep between one boil and another,” she said, whether it is a valid suggestion or not, she has certainly found great relief in using it of this drug. Menopause is a very delicate period for women, and a period of life that is still talked about too little, still linked today to a series of taboo.

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