I received a notice for an old fine, can I ignore it?

What happens when I receive a notice for an old fine? Here’s what you need to know and what to do in these cases.

I received a notice for an old fine: here’s what I should do in these cases (Codiciateco.it)

The moment we get to the guide, we really need to pay maximum attention to so many aspects. And it certainly cannot be done lightly, for a series of reasons. In fact, when we drive, we have to deal with the fact that, like it or not, we concretely deal with the risk of having to incur a fine. For speeding, for a parking ban, or perhaps because you entered a restricted traffic zone. Very often, however, it must be said that these infringements are committed unconsciously and without realizing it, as they say in these situations.

Dura lex, sed lex“, said the Romans. However long it lasts, the law is the law. This means that in such a context the moment an infringement is detected the fine will arrive at home. Then more or less quickly due to a whole series of factors. Starting from the problems related to deliveries that are available in Italy and involving several companies. What happens, though, the moment it comes to me served a payment notice for an old fine? Here’s what you need to know and what to do in these situations to avoid mockery.

Payment notice for old fines: how to do it

Notice of late payment of a fine: what to do (Codiciateco.it)

The first thing to say is that every fine must be notified no later than 90 days starting from the moment in which the irregularity that is contested occurred. Be careful, though, since it matters Shipping date of the registered letter and not the one in which it is received. When the fine in question is sent after the deadline indicated here, it is considered null and void. However, it’s not enough to ignore it.

In fact, it will be necessary to challenge this payment request received at a Justice of the Peaceand to do so they will have 30 days from the time such notice was received. The moment this deadline expires and you do nothing, then you are at significant risk. Without a dispute, in fact, these documents become definitive and therefore you will have to pay the fine. Ignoring them, therefore, could be a huge joke. To avoid them, in any case, it is always better to take them into consideration what you need to pay attention to for your car to avoid fines.

Old fines, after how long do they expire

If I receive a payment intimidation, it expires the statute of limitations. If, however, others pass after this request 5 years, then at that moment everything will become statute barred. Both the fine itself and the related tax bill that was generated due to non-payment. There are different deadlines, but you have to be careful. Here’s what happens if I lose my receipt for a fine.

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