Don’t make this mistake in 730, you risk losing all your money

Don’t make this mistake in 730, you risk losing all your money
Don’t make this mistake in 730, you risk losing all your money

If you make this mistake in the 730 you risk losing a lot of money. There are many Italians who commit this: be very careful.

We are approaching the presentation of the 730 model to meet all tax obligations. Before presenting it, it must be underlined that the one pre-compiled by the Revenue Agency may not contain all the necessary data and for this reason each entry must always be checked carefully.

All those who make this mistake with the 730 –

When the taxpayer had several employment contracts in the year 2023, has received the naspi or has retired, has received several unique certifications. The presence of more than one CU puts the Tax Office in the position of not knowing exactly how many days the employee works.

For this reason it omits the information. While it may initially seem like a minor omission, the number of days worked is a fundamental requirement in determining how much tax you have to pay. Otherwise the Revenue Agency also omits the calculation of the deductions due, not counting them. You will then understand that in this case citizens lose a lot of money. So now it is possible to find out how to correctly fill out form 730.

Error in 730, in these cases you lose a lot of money: be careful

The pre-filled 730 represents an opportunity to simplify the tax return for employees and pensioners. However, a common mistake could result in failure to include employee or pension days, with significant financial consequences. Let’s see how to avoid this risk make sure you don’t pay more taxes than you should. Deductions relating to employment or pension are calculated based on the actual days you worked or received a pension during the year.

The mistake everyone makes when filling out the 730 – Credits: Ansa Foto –

If the field relating to days of employment or pension remains empty in the pre-compiled 730, the risk is that of not obtaining the tax deductions to which you are entitled, with the effect of an increase in income tax payable. To avoid this scenario, it is essential that the taxpayer correctly enters the days of employee work in Part C of the declaration. This can be done in line 5 of Table C, where the days of employment or pension must be indicated.

In column 1 of line 5, enter the days of employee work indicated in point 6 of the Single Certification (CU). If you have more than one CU, it is necessary to add the days reported in each of them, being careful not to exceed 365 total days. If this limit is exceeded, enter the number “365”. In column 2 of line 5, enter the days of receipt of the pension, which can be found in point 7 of the CU.

While in column 3 of line 5, enter the days of employee work carried out in the first half of the year (from 1 January to 30 June), which can be found in point 13 of the CU. Finally in column 4 of line 5the days of employee work carried out in the second half of the year are entered (from 1 July to 31 December), available in point 14 of the CU.

Once this data has been entered correctly, the tax deductions relating to employment or pension will be automatically calculated and deducted from the gross tax to be paid. It is therefore fundamental pay attention to these details to avoid unpleasant surprises and make sure you benefit from all the tax deductions to which you are entitled.

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