Removal of flood sludge. Hera: “So far 90-95% of the land has been recovered”

Hera’s work to remove soil and sludge classified as waste in Sant’Agata sul Santerno, in the Ravenna area, began last March following the order of the extraordinary commissioner. “It is already at an advanced stage and after the summer all areas will be restored,” announces the muliutility. So far the intervention has affected six of the nine lots in the affected area and the recovery of the land is between 90 and 95%. The land, adds Hera, has been analyzed and certified suitable for reuse and in its entirety, in the territory of Ravenna And Cesena hit by the flood, By October, almost 120,000 tons of soil and sludge classified as waste will be processed. The objective remains to recover the largest amount of material possible. Yesterday afternoon the extraordinary commissioner for reconstruction, Francesco Paolo Figliuolo, visited the area of ​​the sports fields in via Berlinguerwhere Hera has just concluded the screening of sludge classified as waste, leaving only piles of clean and reusable earth. Figliuolo’s inspection, accompanied by the mayor of Sant’Agata sul Santerno, Enea Emiliani and by the central director of Environmental Services and Fleets of the Hera Group, Giulio Renatowas preceded by a meeting in the Municipality during which the processing phases of the sludge classified as waste caused by the flood were illustrated.

In the affected territories, he says, “We are completing the complex removal of soil and flood mud: our sustainable and integrated approach has allowed us to best recover this type of waste, obtaining between 90 and 95% of recoverable material”. After the flood, accumulation points of earth and sludge were identified, classified as waste, the multiutility recalls. These accumulations, which amount to almost 120,000 tonnes of sludge, were managed by Hera’s environmental services. Currently, the emptying of these accumulation points is underway. The municipalities affected by these operations are: Sant’Agata sul Santerno, Faenza, Brisighella, Solarolo, Lugo, Bagnacavallo, Conselice (all in the province of Ravenna) and Cesena (Forlì-Cesena).

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