Don Luigi Maria Epicoco opens the fourth edition of the “Emerging Book Festival”

Don Luigi Maria Epicoco opens the fourth edition of the “Emerging Book Festival”
Don Luigi Maria Epicoco opens the fourth edition of the “Emerging Book Festival”

MESAGNE – Everything is ready for the fourth edition of the “Emerging Book Festival”, an event organized by the Scintilla cultural association, dedicated to promoting reading and involving an increasingly wider audience. In these four years, numerous authors and literary genres have been protagonists, allowing us to rediscover the beauty of words and the strength of creativity.

This year, the exhibition will be opened by Don Luigi Maria Epicoco from Mesagne, who will present his latest book, “Where earth and sky meet. Padre Pio, Madre Speranza and Natuzza Evolo”, written in collaboration with Luciano Regolo and published by Mondadori. The appointment is set for Monday 17 June at 8pm at the Norman-Swabian Castle of Mesagne. The author will dialogue with Regina Cesta and Cosimo Saracino, creators of the Festival.

Don Luigi Maria Epicoco, through numerous writings, has helped readers to reflect and better understand the Holy Scriptures. This latest work of his starts from the question: “What did God want to tell us through the words and work of the mystics who lived in the twentieth century, a century marked by two world conflicts, by fears and suffering that shook all of humanity?” . Epicochus and Regulus start from this question to undertake a fascinating spiritual research, following the “celestial” thread that links very different figures, but all capable of testifying to the same love for God and transmitting it to others like a caress on the heart.

The recurring words in their language and in their modus vivendi constantly refer to the Word of Life, revealing how the experiences and thoughts of contemporary mystics are extraordinarily in line with those of the saints of past centuries such as Catherine of Siena, Francis of Assisi, Teresa of ‘Avila and many others. “We were not created to suffer, but to love”: this message from Mother Speranza still echoes today, reminding us that only in love can we find an authentic way of walking our path on earth.

To understand how to face daily challenges and adversities, the lives of Christian saints and mystics can offer valuable help. Among the many possible examples, the authors have chosen three extraordinary witnesses of faith: San Pio, the friar of Pietrelcina, Mother Speranza, the Spanish nun, and Natuzza Evolo, the Calabrian mystic, wife and mother of five children. The result is a true glossary of the soul, taken from the teachings of these figures of high spirituality, timeless masters for those who wish to live the Gospel in everyday life and enjoy the joy of believing, stronger than any adversity.

The book signing will be organized by the Lettera22-Mondadori Bookstore of Mesagne, media partner The presentation of the book is part of the rich program of summer proposals of the City of Mesagne.

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