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Vatican, new rules for employees: tattoos and cohabitation prohibited

Vatican, new rules for employees: tattoos and cohabitation prohibited
Vatican, new rules for employees: tattoos and cohabitation prohibited

It is forbidden to have piercings, tattoos in plain sight or “to join associations whose purposes are not compatible with the doctrine of the Church”. Furthermore, no cohabitations but only weddings blessed by the parish priest. In the new regulation, very specific obligations are required for lay employees who, in various capacities, work at the Fabbrica di San Pietro and find themselves in contact with thousands of tourists, especially in view of the Jubilee.

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More than a dress code, it is a mandatory reminder of decorum, diligence and responsibility. Both for the Sampietrini, historic workers who have always been responsible for the maintenance of the place of worship, and for the employees hired at the various levels of the Fabbrica, an administrative body born with the Michelangelo basilica itself and which in recent years has been the subject of several scandals : from the theft of works and documents stored in archives, to cases of opaque procurement. Even the art collection of an elderly canon who died in the Vatican last year has raised concerns recently, raising suspicions about the provenance of some works still stored in a warehouse.

It was time that Francis wanted to get involved in a sector that enjoyed a certain autonomy but which was difficult to adapt to the new course of reforms imprinted throughout the curia with the Constitution Predicate Evangelium.

On the feast of Saints Peter and Paul, the texts of the Statutes and Regulations concerning both the Chapter of the basilica and the Fabbrica were published. The rules had been in gestation for several years and required several steps, including an overall assessment by Vatican labor lawyers for the part concerning employees. However, the changes also affected the canons, now divided into honorary canons (over 80 years of age and without a salary) and effective canons. The latter are no longer appointed for life but are appointed for five years and have very specific statutory obligations, including participating in the management of the assets (but alternatively they can delegate the management of the real estate assets to APSA) and taking care of the spiritual life that takes place in the basilica. The reform of the Chapter of Canons – a thousand-year-old institution founded by Saint Leo IX in 1053 – was also started (amidst a thousand internal controversies) to introduce modern management and control criteria.


Much more complex, however, is the part concerning workers. From now on, they can be fired or suspended if they are found to be divulging information to outsiders about what happens inside the basilica. They can no longer receive outsiders in the office, nor “remove original documents, photocopies, electronic copies or other archive material”. It is also forbidden to “improperly use the stamps and headed paper or the computer software of the Factory for private purposes”. They will also no longer be able to “receive or send private correspondence through the office”, “receive commissions or carry out external duties”.

The Sampietrini – bricklayers, bridge workers, plumbers, forklift drivers, carpenters, electricians, painters, marble workers, blacksmiths or laborers – who carry out maintenance work on the structure are called upon to pay particular attention to their external appearance. «With respect for decorum and working environments, visible skin tattoos and elements of body piercing are banned», they are required to wear decent clothing suited to the activity to be carried out. «Uniform clothing must be used only during service». Sampietrini with a torn or stained uniform, “or who use the uniform off duty, incur disciplinary sanctions”. Maximum rigidity and severity. On one thing above all, Pope Francis seems no longer willing to compromise and the rule applies to all employees, from workers to officials. Papal secrecy and confidentiality, under penalty of suspension or even dismissal.


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