US – China war: the world is now trembling I The challenge for hegemony in the future has just begun: whoever controls it will have the keys to dominance

The war between the United States and China – source stock.adobe –

The clash between the two giants continues, which now moves to another sector that is expanding more and more.

We could talk about one real second Cold War. This time it is not Russia that is fighting it, but China. The clash with the United States is among the most important in the difficult situation international contest in which we find ourselves in recent years and does not spare any sector, especially regarding mobility and cars, which have always been a battleground between these two superpowers.

In recent years there has been a lot of talk about electric cars, one of the most important topics also with regards to presidential elections in the United States. Both the current president Joe Biden that his challenger in the next presidential elections, Donald Trumpwhich will take place next November, have long announced their intention to tighten the duties towards China regarding zero-emission cars.

But this is not the only field in which the two world superpowers they are fighting. In fact, there is also talk of a competition regarding diesel power. But what is happening?

The war between the United States and China also passes through diesel

Recently, the Asian country has made great strides by presenting a diesel engine with extraordinary energy efficiency. Developed by Weichai Power, the engine was unveiled at the 2024 World Internal Combustion Engine Congress in Tianjin.

We’re talking about a 12.5-liter six-cylinder engine that can produce up to 530 HP and reach an energy efficiency of 53.09%. This is a remarkable figure especially when compared to the average efficiency of diesel engines.

United States and China, the war is fought over diesel – source stock.adobe –

The answer comes from the United States: it is the Paccar MX-11

The United States certainly could not stand by and watch. And so, now comes the answer. In fact, the MX-11 diesel engine is being designed in America, capable of achieving an energy efficiency of 55.7% and producing up to 440 hp.

This technological competition taking place between the United States and China represents a significant challenge. Both nations aim to dominate the future for truck diesel engines. Both countries are investing in research and development and the war will continue for a long time.

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