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Magnesium: From Supreme to Citrate, What It Is and Why It’s Good for You

Magnesium: From Supreme to Citrate, What It Is and Why It’s Good for You
Magnesium: From Supreme to Citrate, What It Is and Why It’s Good for You

Magnesium, from supreme to citrate: when you have to choose a supplement, the choice is very wide. In fact, there are different formulations of magnesium and it is not easy to find your way. “Magnesium is a mineral that is often lacking today and to integrate it, we often resort to supplements based on this nutrient” explains Savior Simeonmedical surgeon and founder of theBroussais Institute of Rome, one of the most important centers of Integrated Biological Medicine. “Today we are increasingly stressed and the body very often has high levels of hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol, both linked to the sympathetic nervous system, capable of promoting disorders such as anxiety, insomnia, headaches, weakness, increased blood pressure and many other disorders” says the expert. “The action of magnesium strengthens the parasympathetic nervous system which, unlike the sympathetic one, tends to promote relaxation and calm and to lower the heart rate, promoting a state of overall well-being”. Magnesium, an essential mineral for various functions of the body, is a micronutrient that the body must introduce through the diet and when necessary also through the intake of supplements as the body is not capable of producing it on its own. But which type to choose? To know everything about magnesium, from supreme to citrate, what it is and why it is good for you, we spoke with the expert.

What is magnesium and what is it good for

Magnesium, as various studies explain, is the fourth mineral most present in the body after calcium, sodium and potassium. About half of the total magnesium is found in the bones, the rest within the cells of tissues and organs and a small part in the blood. «It is an important electrolyte necessary for correct muscular, nervous and enzymatic function, the deficiency of which can favor hypertension, diabetes, migraines, osteoporosis, insomnia, premenstrual syndrome, cardiovascular diseases, metabolic syndrome and many other disorders” explains Salvatore Simeone. A risk that increases with age. In fact, with aging the metabolism of magnesium changes, both due to the reduction in the intake of this mineral through the diet and due to a lower intestinal absorption of this nutrient and a greater renal loss. Magnesium deficiency can become, when it is chronic, a factor that accelerates aging as the deficit of this mineral, which decreases by 30% with age, increases the production of free radicals, molecules that promote oxidative stress, a condition involved in the onset of numerous disorders. Maintaining an optimal magnesium balance throughout life is therefore essential.

What is the richest food in magnesium?

Magnesium is found in several foods. Among the best food sources of magnesium are vegetables and greens, especially consumed raw or steamed or baked. Magnesium is an easily soluble mineral and choosing, for example, to boil foods that contain it in lots of water reduces the presence of this micronutrient. «Among the varieties that are generous with it are spinach, chard, artichokes and many others. Foods such as pumpkin seeds, pine nuts, almonds, walnuts, both Brazilian and macadamia, prickly pears and beans are also rich in magnesium.”

What are the symptoms of magnesium deficiency?

Nutritional magnesium deficiency is a topic that attracts the attention of scientists and experts. In recent decades, numerous studies have investigated its possible role in the spread of chronic diseases, many of which represent the main cause of mortality globally, including cardiovascular diseases and type 2 diabetes. The main causes of deficiency of this mineral are due to eating habits. A diet rich in processed, processed and refined foods and low in plant foods is one of the main causes. In fact, with industrial processing the presence of this mineral in many foods which are good sources of it is reduced. Another factor that favors the deficiency of this mineral is the deficiency of vitamin D, which reduces the gastrointestinal absorption of this micronutrient. And finally there is thedrug abuse, including antacids and antibiotics, which are used quite easily even when they are not necessary. Also the smoke it is a factor that works against the plasma concentration of this mineral. But what are they? magnesium deficiency symptoms? «The most common symptoms of magnesium deficiency are weakness, tremor, arrhythmias, agitation, depression».

Which type of magnesium to choose?

The maximum daily intake of magnesium allowed in food supplements is 450 mg. “The choice of the form of magnesium best suited to your needs should be strictly subjective,” suggests Salvatore Simeone. “In general, organic forms of magnesium such as magnesium lactate, magnesium citrate, magnesium succinate, magnesium aspartate are more bioavailable than inorganic forms including magnesium chloride, magnesium carbonate, magnesium oxide and magnesium sulfate.” The supreme magnesium that is often talked about is a supplement based on magnesium citrate, therefore easily absorbable. It is a mixture of citric acid and magnesium carbonate that makes magnesium highly soluble with a high absorption rate.

When is it not recommended to take magnesium?

“It is often thought that magnesium supplements are a sort of panacea for all ills, but this is not exactly the case,” says Salvatore Simeone. “Magnesium supplementation (from supreme to citrate) is contraindicated in the presence of some kidney and heart diseases, hypothyroidism, hyperparathyroidism,” says the expert. The advice therefore before taking any type of supplement is to talk to your doctor, especially if you are not in good health or if you are taking medications.

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