Lebanon, Nasrallah raises the threat and warns Israel: «War without limits»

JERUSALEM He says that “we are ready for the worst case scenario, and Israel knows it.” And that “we will wage war without limits”. And obviously “no Zionist place will be spared.” Hassan Nassrallah thunders as expected and this time too – at the funeral commemoration of commander Taleb Sami Abdallah, killed by the Israelis – the supreme leader of the Lebanese Hezbollah touches, but without sinking. There is a war going on between Lebanon and Israel, and no one dares to declare it.

Since October 7, the Shiites have launched more than 5 thousand missiles and drones: an average of one per hour. They are reciprocated with interests and targeted actions on the leaders: the Hezbollah deaths in these 256 days are now more than in the 2006 war. The White House tries to mediate, very worried that another regional war will break out, but so far it has not been listened to. And despite the requests of the American envoy Amos Hochstein to at least lower the tone, if not the weapons, we proceed as if the escalation was inevitable. Israel announces that “operational plans for the offensive in Lebanon” are ready. Nasrallah replies that he has alerted one hundred thousand fighters: “The enemy awaits us on land, sea and air.”

From the air, above all. On Tuesday evening, a great shock, Hezbollah released a video shot with drones: you can see, up close, the strategic structures of the port of Haifa (Chinese-owned), the Israeli naval base, the highly armored Rafael David Institute which develops the most sophisticated weapons systems.

A signal to say: we can hit you how and when we want. A small setback, yet another flaw in the Israeli defense, because one of the most monitored skies in the world did not notice anything: «It is not clear – comments a military expert, Yoav Limor – whether the drones really penetrated the airspace , filmed and returned to Lebanon, or operated from Israeli territory, handing the footage over to Hezbollah. There is something to worry about though. But in the second case, the disturbing hypothesis is that the Shiites have many effective spies in Israel. It is known that the intelligence gathering is Iranian-led. However, no one can exclude that Russia also contributes to helping Hezbollah: it’s his way of rewarding Tehran for its help with drones in the war in Ukraine.”

Strengthened by the latest surprise, Nasrallah warns Israel that we are heading towards “total war” and that “the situation in the Mediterranean will change completely”. Which Mediterranean? This time, the threat is against an EU country: Cyprus. “We know that Israel does training at Nicosia airports,” says the big turban. And therefore, be careful: if Cyprus provides other bases, “it will be dragged into war”.

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