between floods and record heat, what is happening and what we should expect

between floods and record heat, what is happening and what we should expect
between floods and record heat, what is happening and what we should expect
Extreme weather in Europe at the start of June

Extreme weather conditions in Europe in recent days, with the Old Continent divided between record heat and disastrous floods.

The most extreme climatic anomaly concerns temperatures and is affecting a good part of northern Europe with thermal values ​​of around +10/12°C above climatic averages reference point: in concrete terms, maximum temperatures of up to 26-27°C were reached between Sweden, Norway and Finland during the last weekend!
We now come to the other side of the coin: as often happens, if on the one hand it is too hot, on the other the risk is represented by bad weather, in this case by floods. In reality, i two phenomena are much more connected and interconnected than one might think: in fact, greater warming of the atmosphere causes an increase in evaporation and consequently an increase in the potential energy involved in triggering dangerous cyclones capable of discharging huge amounts of rain in just a few hours, the feared flash floods.
And that’s exactly what’s happening in Germany where the passage of a cyclone caused it heavy rains and flooding in the South of the country. According to the German Weather Service (DWD), in many areas of Baden-Wurttemberg and of Bavaria in just 24 hours the amount of rain that usually falls in an entire month fell.
In the district of Lake Constance of the Baden-Wurttemberg about 1,300 people were forced to leave their homes due to the risk of flooding. In the city of Memmingen, authorities were forced to evacuate a state prison after pipes began to clog as floods seeped into the complex. Not only that, in Bavaria two dams broke due to bad weather causing widespread flooding.

Extensive flooding in Germany in many areas of Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg
And in Italy what should we expect? In the next few days a vast high pressure field of sub-tropical originand will give rise to the first serious heat wave of the season. At least for the moment, the risk of extreme weather events will remain rather low, limited only to the Alpine areas.

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