«Dimela cantando»: the very young triumph (photo)

«Dimela cantando»: the very young triumph (photo)
«Dimela cantando»: the very young triumph (photo)

Photo: Željko Jerneić

Piazza San Servolo in Buie was once again the ideal setting for the final evening of the 13th edition of the Istroveneto Festival, with the inevitable “Dimela cantando”, a competition dedicated to unpublished songs in dialect. An event with the undisputed protagonist of music of a great artistic level, presented by Rosanna Bubola and Daniele Kovačić and welcomed by a very large audience. Among the people who came there were also Roberto Ciambetti, president of the Council of the Veneto Region, Felice Žiža, member of the Slovenian Parliament, Jessica Acquavita, vice-president of the Istria Region in CNI quota, Vladimir Torbica, councilor for culture and territoriality, Fabrizio Vižintin, mayor of the City of Buje, Corrado Dussich, deputy mayor of Buje for the Italian minority, Giuseppina Rajko, honorary vice consul of Italy, Maurizio Tremul, president of the Italian Union, Marin Corva, president of the Executive Council of the Italian Union and Paolo Demarin, president of the assembly of the Italian Union.

There were 14 songs in the competition with themes ranging from love to nostalgia, without forgetting traditions, the present, hopes, departures, wars and… much more, because the Istro-Veneto, as we had also seen in the previous evenings, lends itself to conveying any type of message. It is a lively, musical, sweet dialect that from the Gulf of Quarnero crosses Istria, to reach Friuli Venezia Giulia and flow into Veneto. This linguistic richness was also seen in the songs, each different from the other, some profound, others ironic but all emotional.

“Dimela cantando” reached its 12th edition in 2014 and for the occasion the loyalty award was given to Sergio Preden Gato as singer and Marko Radolović as author, for having participated in 10 consecutive editions.

The artists’ award, assigned by the singers themselves, who voted for their colleagues’ songs, went to the song “La più bela parte” by Maria Musti.

Piero Pocecco won the prize from the Academia de la Lengua Veneta with “Canto per un amici”. The public also voted for their favorite performer: the votes of the first evening in Isola, those of the public present in Buje and the online votes were added and, with 43% of the preferences, Nicola Štule with his “Fortis in àrduis” ( Tell me why) earned the recognition of the popular jury.

The jury’s mentions went to Sara Salvi for “Alice mi”, to Riccardo Bosazzi for “Mille eroi” and to Nicol Stule per Fortis in àrduis” (Te me dirìa el why).

The best arrangement was awarded to the song “Vien” by Klapa Skala conducted by Lora Pavletić, mentre “La rena” by Andrea Scarcia was chosen as the best text.

Finally, the most coveted award, that for the best song, was won by a very excited and incredulous Nicole Vidak with her song “Giulia”, That speaks of exiles, of hope and of a new rebirth.

Photo: Željko Jerneić
Photo: Željko Jerneić
Photo: Željko Jerneić
Photo: Željko Jerneić
Photo: Željko Jerneić
Photo: Željko Jerneić
Photo: Željko Jerneić
Photo: Željko Jerneić
Photo: Željko Jerneić
Photo: Željko Jerneić
Photo: Željko Jerneić
Photo: Željko Jerneić
Photo: Željko Jerneić
Photo: Željko Jerneić
Photo: Željko Jerneić
Photo: Željko Jerneić
Photo: Željko Jerneić
Photo: Željko Jerneić
Photo: Željko Jerneić
Photo: Željko Jerneić
Photo: Željko Jerneić
Photo: Željko Jerneić
Photo: Željko Jerneić
Photo: Željko Jerneić
Photo: Željko Jerneić
Photo: Željko Jerneić
Photo: Željko Jerneić
Photo: Željko Jerneić
Photo: Željko Jerneić
Photo: Željko Jerneić
Photo: Željko Jerneić
Photo: Željko Jerneić
Photo: Željko Jerneić
Photo: Željko Jerneić

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