Argument between Bersani and Sechi on La7: “Have the good taste to respect what I say. Can you take note?”. “I always write down”

Argument between Bersani and Sechi on La7: “Have the good taste to respect what I say. Can you take note?”. “I always write down”
Argument between Bersani and Sechi on La7: “Have the good taste to respect what I say. Can you take note?”. “I always write down”

Crackling back and forth a Half past eight (La7) between the former secretary of the Democratic Party Pier Luigi Bersani and the director responsible for Free, Mario Sechion the results of the latest administrative elections.
The presenter Lilli Gruber he asks Bersani for a comment on the positive results achieved by the centre-left and the former minister observes: “Overall this electoral round, together with that for the European elections, has said two quite clear things. First of all, the right-wing narrative has had a rather serious first dent both in the absolute and real votes in the European elections and in the administrative elections. There was a first sign of the awakening of alternative forces“.
“But did the center-left win the local elections?” asks Gruber.
“Well, I read an article by Sechi and he claims no – Bersani replies ironically – He claims it’s normal stuff. For God’s sake, there will be logic in what he says.”
“Yes, I’ll explain it right away,” replies Sechi.
“What is this logic? – asks Bersani – Let me understand”.

Sechi convincingly explains that “cyclically” in the local elections the centre-left tends to win, unlike the centre-right which has difficulty in the Municipalities when it chooses the wrong candidates: “It’s a historical thing”.
Bersani disagrees: “Dear Sechi, you are saying things that are neither in heaven nor on earth. In 2019 the center-left began to lose all the Stalingrads of Italy.”

“But you have to see the cycles as long,” replies Sechi who lingers in his speech and complains of being interrupted not only by Bersani but also by the other guests in the studio, Monica Guerzoni of the Corriere della Sera And Andrea Scanzi of the Everyday occurrence.

The director of Free accuses the center-left and in particular the PD to delude oneself about the results, with a clear reference to Bersani’s previous speech: “There is no reversal of trend. The funny thing is that it is said that there will be a revival of the centre-left. But I remember that 3 years leftthat is, a very long time. Here I’ve heard of ‘remontada’. But of what? Come on”.

Bersani feels called into question and doesn’t agree, while Sechi, as is his usual way, takes notes: “I don’t know what Sechi makes me say that he should have the good taste to respect what someone says. I spoke of a first dent in the right’s narrative and the first awakening of the forces of the alternative. Can you take note, Sechi?“.
I always diligently take note, Bersani“, replies the director of Libero.
The former leader of the Democratic Party continues: “Very good. I believe that we can invest in this new alternative and that there is something to be done in 3 years. The center-left cannot limit itself to propaganda for the referendumwho will arrive anyway, but he will have to make political gestures to equip a path.”
“I agree – comments Sechi – but 3 years left“.
Then maybe Salvini will think about shortening the time – Bersani sarcastically recalls – We’re not going to attack the Winter Palace“.

The sparks between Sechi and Bersani are repeated at the end of the broadcast ondifferentiated autonomyregarding which the former secretary of the Democratic Party warns: “Here we are making a Harlequin country where each country, among 23 subjects, does what it wants, dear Sechi. We have to recall Garibaldi. So, there are 3 years but they are long.”

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