«Those words date back six months ago»

For this weekend, Verissimo is re-proposing the most significant and exciting interviews of the season that has just ended. A sign of a program that works and which above all convinces the public, which has remained faithful to Silvia Toffanin since 2006. Among the various guests in the studio also Sonia Bruganelli who gave a long heart-to-heart interview (aired for the second time yesterday 8 June) where she confided in the presenter about her private and sentimental life, starting from the separation from Paolo Bonolis. «It’s difficult to find a man like that – Sonia Bruganelli underlined to Verissimo -. A modern man who taught me freedom. Together we are freer than apart. Paolo and I are friends, confidants, neighbors.” The presenter thus wrote a message in her Instagram stories for the users who criticized her (especially after she was pinched several times with the dancer Angelo Madonia).

The words of Sonia Bruganelli

Sonia Bruganelli shared the video of her interview (and when she talks about her relationship with Paolo Bonolis) with Verissimo in her Instagram stories and wanted to clarify the topic. «These episodes of Verissimo are reruns – wrote Sonia Bruganelli -. You are free to comment as you wish but, to be honest, these words date back six months. Time passes, things change, respect and affection remain.” There are many users who commented on the video with stinging comments. “You’re in love with someone else now, inconsistent,” wrote a hater. And again: “Hypocrite, no one believes you anymore.”

The curiosity

The commentator then opened a question box in his Instagram stories to answer the curiosities of his followers. When asked how her experience on the Island of the Famous was, Sonia Bruganelli responded without filters. «Definitely different than the one on Big Brother». A user then asked: “Would you be a commentator on the Island again if he calls you Big Brother again?”. And she: «No. I think I’ve run out of time commenting on reality TV.”

Naturally, there was no shortage of questions about her relationship with Angelo Madonia, to which, however, Sonia Bruganelli always responded vaguely. «Tell us about Angelo, what struck you about him?». And she replied with a hint of irony: “He is a good dancer.”


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