Simona Branchetti, who is the journalist who replaced Myrta Merlino (for the summer), the two divorces and her career: «I prefer work to love»

Simona Branchetti, who is the journalist who replaced Myrta Merlino (for the summer), the two divorces and her career: «I prefer work to love»
Simona Branchetti, who is the journalist who replaced Myrta Merlino (for the summer), the two divorces and her career: «I prefer work to love»

From Myrta Merlino to Simona Branchetti for a summer of news and information. A different afternoon from the one seen so far. «This is the fourth summer that I’ve spent on TV – he tells Di Più Tv – but for me it’s a bit as if it were the first: because Pomeriggio Cinque News is a very different program from those I’ve hosted so far, so I consider it a debut.” You also tell Francesca De Pasquale that you are happy «to finally be able to show the public a new, “lighter” side of me». In short, “I can let myself go, be more exuberant and really show my personality.”

The carreer

A debut in the afternoon for Simona after leading Morning News, the program which has replaced Mattino Cinque since June and which this year will be hosted by Dario Maltese. A demanding job, it’s true, “but beautiful: after all, I’ve always dreamed of doing this, ever since I was a child.” On the television weekly directed by Osvaldo Orlandini she tells you that thanks to her mother she started doing this job. «I was in my early twenties and I was about to graduate in Law: it was a bit of a difficult period for me, also due to a tormented love.

So thanks to her I started collaborating with the newspaper La Voce di Romagna. I was in the Forlì editorial office.” Then her big leap in 2003, «thanks to my boyfriend at the time, who lived in Rome. One evening, he met an editor who told him that his company was looking for young journalists for a new project. I sent them my CV, they called me for an interview and they took me on: the project was Sky Tg24…”. Finally, in 2007 she arrived on Tg5.

The finished loves

Luck at work less so in love. Simona Branchetti has two finished marriages behind her, one with the presenter Federico Quaranta and the other with the lawyer Carlo Longari. This is why she is not very good at talking about love: «I prefer that my private life, at the moment, remain private. I can tell you that now I want to think above all about my work, about giving my all to Pomeriggio Cinque News, my new, great challenge.”


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