«I had the visit, everything is fine. Don’t neglect your health”

«I had the visit, everything is fine. Don’t neglect your health”
«I had the visit, everything is fine. Don’t neglect your health”

Emma Brown she is one of the singers who, in recent days, has taken to the stage of Yoga Radio Bruno summer 2024, the event which is divided into four evenings and which moves to the squares of Emilia Romagna and Tuscany. Before performing on stage, however, the singer carried out some checks Health which would have gone very well as she herself says. The message about prevention and its importance that Emma wanted to launch on Instagram was really liked by her followers.

Emma’s message

Emma had ovarian cancer and in an interview with Le Iene she said she discovered it almost by chance: she had accompanied a friend of hers to a gynecological examination which she then underwent herself. «While the doctor was examining me, I saw her face change color and from there it was hell», Emma explained to Nicolò De Devitiis.

The singer undergoes periodic checks to always keep the situation under control and in the last few hours she published an Instagram story in which she wrote: «Today my friend van took me first to Bologna.

I had a check-up and everything is fine. I cry with joy. I celebrate Reggio Emilia tonight, I will sing with all my heart for today’s good news. Please always get checked and don’t neglect your health, with immense love. Emma.”

Emma force of nature

Thanks to her story, her messages and her energy, Emma always transmits great positivity to her fans who follow her precisely because they consider her a “lioness”. The singer, after the story of her in her van, rehearsed on the stage of Yoga Radio Bruno where, as usual, she made all her admirers already present in the front row dance.

Last updated: Wednesday, June 26, 2024, 11:51


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