the first spoilers reveal big news about Joy Boy and the Ancestral Robot

the first spoilers reveal big news about Joy Boy and the Ancestral Robot
the first spoilers reveal big news about Joy Boy and the Ancestral Robot

All the revelations outlined by Oda since the author began investigating the Empty Century of One Piece have presented a connection with the Ancestral Robot. They spoilers as soon as they emerged on the chapter 1119 of the manga not only reiterate this assumption: but they contribute to extending the knowledge we have gained, up to now, on being cybernetic.

Before investigating the contents of the leakit is necessary to underline the degree of incompleteness and of extreme partiality of the information just leaked online. And although the spoilers that we will now analyze promise to reveal only the tip of the iceberg of a chapter, in all probability, full of suggestions, the assumptions that can be deduced from these very first previews offer the side to different reasoning.

As one might expect, chapter 1119 begins where the previous publication ended. If the final double table on which One Piece 1118 ended led to sublimation the evolutionary/identity process of Bonniein the eyes of the Gorosei the girl’s reiteration of the properties of Nika’s gum does not seem to represent a big problem, so much so that Marcus Marcus declassifies the event as a “false transformation”. For the government quintet, the figure on which to focus attention always remains Luffy, so much so that the Star immediately lashes out against the Straw Hat, who however manages to reject his invective transfiguring his body into a huge balloon.

At this point Luffy, including the obvious difficulty in causing damage to opponents, claims that theonly solution that the Mugiwara currently have at their disposal to bypass the regenerative powers of the Gorosei, is that of “throw them into the air”, so much so that Sanji, Franky and Bonney immediately give life together with their captain to a dazzling combined attackwith which they send Mars himself away from the ships.

Meanwhile, according to these first leaks, deep in the sea the Ancestral Robot is starting to show some vital signsa phenomenon also certified by the momentary resumption of Vegapunk’s message, in which the scientist once again draws attention to those who have the fateful name in their name Dresponsible – according to him – for having “inherited a will that must be transmitted to posterity”. And in full continuity with the strategies adopted in previous publications by Oda, here too the mangaka follows the doctor’s words with a brief overview of faces, among which Bibi And Morgans.

But the key event of the chapter, as we anticipated at the start, concerns the Ancestral Robot. While Luffy is struggling with Ju Peter, which Oda follows up with Warcury’s attempt to definitively obliterate Elbaf’s ship, we hear for an instant a fragment of a speech by Joy Boy (probably imagined by the big robot in a flashback) in which the Liberation Warrior directly addresses the cybernetic being, urging him to act. “Emeth, when the time is right, you must…” and without any solution of continuity the Ancestral Robot re-emerges from the sea in all his excessive power, to return to Warcury the blow that Gorosei had previously assigned to him in the last issue of the manga. And in front of the towering figure of the big robot, in the last panel of the chapter we hear an ecstatic Luffy invoking the cybernetic being (“Robot!”), in an exclamation of joy on which One ends Piece 1119.

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