Rai, CEO Roberto Sergio: «Bortone should have been fired for the Scurati case. We are not Telemelons but Teleoppositions”

Rai, CEO Roberto Sergio: «Bortone should have been fired for the Scurati case. We are not Telemelons but Teleoppositions”
Rai, CEO Roberto Sergio: «Bortone should have been fired for the Scurati case. We are not Telemelons but Teleoppositions”

OfNatalia Distefano

The administrator returns to Scurati’s monologue “censored” in Rai and attacks the journalist: “No one would have prevented that monologue, he didn’t come because he wasn’t paid.” The writer’s response: «False»

«Serena Bortone should have been fired for what she did and is not
was fired. She was not punished. The 11th of this month will represent his theses and we will evaluate, but certainly no employee of any company would be allowed to say things against the company in which he works. She did this and she was not punished». The Rai CEO said it, Roberto Sergioat the Innovation Festival in Venice, referring to the controversy over the Scurati case.

«Scurati didn’t come because he wasn’t paid»

On the “censored” monologue on Rai to the writer Antonio ScuratiRoberto Sergio added: «I believe that some people have an extraordinary
ability to overturn the truth and become victims at the same time and then
heroes of the country and of the system. I sent a whatsapp to Serena Bortone where I invited her to broadcast Scurati’s monologue. Nobody would have prevented that monologue. Furthermore, in the program lineup it was written “free guest”. He didn’t come because he wasn’t paidor. Bortone was aware of this and so was the editorial team.” And on the future of the «Chesarà…» program and Serena Bortone on Rai, Roberto Sergio announced: «The schedules will be presented to the top management on Friday of next week. To date none of us are aware of what genre directors will bring us.”

It arrives on Saturday evening Scurati’s reply: «I categorically deny the Rai CEO’s statement according to which I would not have participated in Serena Bortone’s program because “I wasn’t paid”: it is simply false. And it’s yet another statement denigrating towards me. No one has ever offered me to participate for free. I challenge him to provide proof to the contrary.”

Verducci (Pd): «Shameful phrases about Bortone»

«The sentences of the CEO of Rai Roberto Sergio against the journalist Serena Bortone are simply shameful. It’s the arrogance of a power that has become censorship and intimidation». The senator said this in a note Francesco Verducci, member of the Rai Supervisory Commission. «We also perfectly remember Roberto Sergio’s social media outings against the Rai company (at the time of a Sanremo) and in another context against his fellow director Andrea Vianello. So obviously everything is worth it to him. Others instead
they should be fired – added Verducci -. In reality, Sergio’s attempt to do so is evident cover the censorship against Scurati. No one has yet given a valid answer as to why Scurati’s contract was canceled once the top management became aware of the contents of the monologue. And Sergio’s attempt to do so is clear prepare the ground for the purge of Serena Bortone, guilty of autonomy and pluralism. Sergio attacks a journalist who acted in the interests of credibility andautonomy of the public serviceprerogatives that evidently bother Sergio.”

«TeleMeloni does not exist»

For Sergio, however, Rai is overwhelmed by fake news and there is no TeleMeloni. «I would call it teleoppositions – he argued -. The Pavia Observatory just yesterday sent me a final testimony and never before in my management has there been a very correct balance». None
purge for the CEO: by Fabio Fazio to Amadeus «everyone left for
own choice”
. Lucia Annunziatawhich left the company in controversy
with the political drift of the leaders, she is now a candidate in the European elections for the Democratic Party. “It was clear that that was already his goal at the time,” said Sergio. I accompanied her to the exit in the most polite way possible. You had a penalty to pay that you didn’t pay.”

THE future of Rai

After the European elections, the renewal of top management and, according to rumors reported by the media, the current CEO Rossi would not look favorably on the idea of ​​a single CEO and could at most accept at his side a figure dedicated exclusively to the product. This is not the case according to Sergio: «A year ago I was asked to complete the three-year mandate with the exit of Fuortes – he recalled -. I accepted and appointed him as director Giampaolo Rossi, who I respected and I continue to appreciate it. Now he will be the next CEO and I will be the next CEO. There is no problem”. Finally, a reference to upcoming programs. There will not be a broadcast with Pio and Amedeo as reported by some media. «I read that they would be offered a program on Rai – he said -. I would be happy but that’s not the case.” As for Fiorellohe concluded, «Now he’s on the couch, resting. He knows I’ll start pressing
on him since mid-July. From mid-July to mid-August we will find out if he will be able to return to Rai.”

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June 8, 2024 (changed June 8, 2024 | 10:53 pm)


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