Alpine pride: yesterday the 41st national rally on the Marmolada

Alpine pride: yesterday the 41st national rally on the Marmolada
Alpine pride: yesterday the 41st national rally on the Marmolada

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Great participation and emotion at the 41st national Alpine gathering at the Contrin refuge in Marmolada.

During the event, they took place the flag-raising, the honoring of the fallen and the laying of a wreath at the monument dedicated to Arturo Andreoletti. Many Alpini, family members and representatives of the institutions took part in the ceremony.

Among those presentthe president of the autonomous Province of Trento, Maurizio Fugatti, the councilor Luca Guglielmi, the senator Elena Testor, the Commander of the Alpine Troops Gen. CA Ignazio Gamba, the national president of ANA Sebastiano Favero, Major Zampiero, the president of ANA Trentino Paolo Frizzi and the president of the Alpine Volunteers Unit Lorenzo Pegoretti.

Fugatti underlined the importance of remembering the First World War and thanked the Alpini for their help in peacetime.

“It is right to be here today to remember first of all what happened in our mountains during the First World War. But this is also an opportunity to say thank you to the Alpini for what they have always done in times of peace, helping those in need in the most difficult situations. Even our autonomy would not be the same without the Alpine spirit that moves all of you in the name of solidarity and the instinct to protect”.

He spoke of the Alpine pride present at Contrin, similar to that seen at the Gathering in Vicenza. He assured the Province’s support for the Alpinihighlighting the importance of finding solutions to give continuity to their valuable experience.

“We breathe it here at Contrin, and it is the same that we have seen on many occasions, most recently at the great Vincenza Gathering which saw a large participation from Trentino”.

“The Province will continue to be close to youconcluded the presidentin the awareness that we must look to the future and commit ourselves to finding solutions capable of giving continuity to this irreplaceable experience”.



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