Cinema under the stars in Bidente Valley. Inflatable screen and aperitifs

Cinema under the stars in Bidente Valley. Inflatable screen and aperitifs
Cinema under the stars in Bidente Valley. Inflatable screen and aperitifs

The film festival ‘Finestre sui cortili. Cinema in Val Bidente’ returns tomorrow, promoted by the Unione della Romagna Forlivese and the Municipalities of Galeata and Meldola, with the support of the Emilia Romagna Region and about thirty businesses in the valley, curated by DireFare sas. There will be 13 screenings of 8 films between the Arena Hesperia in Meldola – ‘Hesperia sotto le stelle’ – and the historic Via Ferdinando Zannetti in Galeata, in addition to the five Cineaperitivos in San Colombano, Ricò, Teodorano, Pianetto, Via Zannetti – Bar de Borg and San Zeno. “The inflatable screen allows us to go anywhere – comments the curator of the festival Giancarlo Dini – and the ‘Cineaperitivo’ section will allow us to welcome spectators with a substantial aperitif, also creating a moment of socialization that perhaps a silent viewing of the film would not allow”. The cineaperitivo will also be repeated in the Galeatese area in three locations: in via Zanetti, in collaboration with the Bar de Borg, at the Museo Mambrini in Pianetto with an aperitif by Campanara; at the former elementary schools in Strada S. Zeno where the Pro Loco and the Cooperativa di comunità di San Zeno will be present.

“The conclusion will be in the panoramic square of Rocca di Teodorano with a suggestive late summer sunset and one of the most beautiful panoramic views in Romagna. As for the festival, it will be possible to range from ‘Anatomy of a Fall’ – adds Dini – to one of the most beautiful and least seen films of the season, that ‘Limoni di Inverno’ splendidly interpreted by Christian De Sica and Teresa Saponangelo, to the cinema of work but with surreal and grotesque tones suspended between Germi, Gogol and Fantozzi like ‘Palazzina Laf’ by Michele Riondino”. And the epic adventures of Enzo Ferrari and the Mille Miglia of 1957 and the modern odyssey of ‘Io Capitano’ will also be shown on the big screen, as well as the improvised goalkeepers in the Milan of the 50s with ‘Zamora’ by Neri Marcorè.

For the appointment with the mystery there is Agatha Christie, reread by Kenneth Branagh in San Colombano while ‘Harold Fry’ who tries to bring consolation to a distant friend, evokes the poetic melancholy of an elderly Forrest Gump.

We start tomorrow at 9.15pm at the Arena Hesperia in Meldola with ‘Anatomy of a Fall’ by Justine Triet, Palme d’Or at the 2023 Cannes Film Festival.

Tickets: 6 euros full and 5 reduced; aperitif 10 euros. Info and reservations: 376.1224452. The screenings will be held even in case of bad weather, in adjacent indoor locations.

Oscar Bandini

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